December 2000. 6-11pm
Bar, 265 Portobello Road
No7 (Terence Alan Williams) 5
A neglectful father and errant husband attempts to heal his relationship
with his family by making supper.
Park Stories (Smita Bhide) 10
Secrets, confessions and no ordinary horse.
Advert 4 London (Hannah Chamberlain) 6
London juxtaposed to fast cuts.
Jimmy Riddle (Jo Hodges) 10
Jimmy Riddle is a heavy drinker who takes his relationship with his dog
for granted.
Dark Mirrors (Stuart Pound) 5
Abstract advert with no product in sight.
Ho Ho Ho (J.J. Keith) 10
A small boy is determined to reaffirm his belief in Santa Claus.
Football (Gaby Delial) 10
A kids ambition to be a footballer, starring Helena Bonham Carter as
his tarty mum.
Great Indoors (Rachael Tilotson) 10
A retired mountaineer decides to take dramatic action when life becomes
to dull.
Daze (Sara Bowen) 10
A woman drives through a landscape, which is haunted by a violent incident.
(Shindo Kaze) 70
Bittersweet romance between gay and straight girls, from Japan.
December 2000. 6-11pm
Beat Bar, 265
Portobello Road
Composed (Young Mi Lee) 10
A composer is influenced by the sexual activities of his neighbours.
Numb (Alicia Duffy) 10 Slices of a girls experience as she negotiates
the sexually charged world of a male paraplegics ward.
I Wash Therefore I am (Rob Smitts) 12
A couple of Hare Krishnas do their washing and ponder the Meaning Of Life.
Winner of the Portobello Film Festival Golden Boot Award 2000.
Three (Issacs Julien) 5
Artistic dance documentary
Back In The Day (Femi Koloda) 15
Three childhood friends are reunited and try to recapture the past.
The Walk (Olukundale Kuforji) 15
A man takes his last walk to his execution.
4 Films by Duggie Fields: 20
Heck Of A Storm
The Big Riddle
Local artist Duggie Fields experiments with computer animation and music
technology to create his latest work. Sexy, surreal and fun.
Elsewhere 10
A young boy discovers his dark past.
FEATURE: Wojaczek
(Lech Majewski) 90
The self-destructive struggle of a Polish poet in the Communist era. The
Basquiat of Warsaw.