July 2000
BAR, 265
Portobello Road, W10
Bob A Job (Dylan Ingham) 5 mins.
A serious look into new energy sources for the future.
The Balloon (Tom Whitemore) 10 mins
Johnny The Punk and his quest for happiness.
Cameraman (Sid Rainey) 13 mins
I Am A Videocamera.
High Rise (Chris Allsop) 10 mins
Inner city love story.
Love (Adam Baker) 15 mins
How far would you go for love?
Surgeons Waltz (Yaron Bin Nun) 20 mins
An operation on a dancers leg goes horribly wrong.
The Ballad Of Clara Two Steps
(Charlotte Collins) 10 mins
Portrait of a lady with compulsive obsessive disorder.
The Funeral Of The Last Gypsy King
(Jane Rogoyska) 10 mins
This Bastard Business (Sean Hogan)
15 mins
The trials and tribulations of being Asian in the acting business.
Bass Odyssey (Paul Kons) 15 mins
Thieves redistribute wealth with comical consequences.
Bondi Hophead Zombie Freakout
(Kent Boswell) 15 mins
Zombies on the prowl down under.
Loose Change (Kent Boswell) 5 mins
Yuppie loses temper when he cant hail a taxi.
Catharsis (Helene Cattet) 5 mins
Man drills onto own head (do not try this at home).
The Last Roadtrip (Aaron Coenen)
Fantastic 3D animated voyage.
Pump Action (Philip Captain) 4 mins
More fun-filled 3D animation.
Last Chance (Bill Boatman) 20 mins
A terrifying ordeal in Americas deep south.
7 1/2 (Catherine Deus) 15 mins
A young runaway gets on peoples nerves.
Accelerator (Pam Hogg) 5 mins
Raunchy hardcore fashion pop vid from top rock chic designer Pam Hogg,
featuring music from Primal Scream.
