2 April 2000
BAR, 265
Portobello Road, W10
Bring Your Own Film Section including:
The Pan Loaf (Sean Hinds) 10 mins.
A couple try to buy a loaf in Northern Ireland.
The Teen-C Hour (Natasha Morris)
23 mins.
Documentary about Glasgow indie music scene.
X-Mas Steps (Brian Griffin) 10 mins.
Love in the coal mine.
Undercurrents Present:
Mission Impossible (50 secs)
Direct action always succeeds.
Grassroots (10 mins)
Cannabis users challenge drugs legislation.
J18 (29 mins)
Global day of action against the snarling monster of capitalist greed.
Wild Horses Of Newbury (5 mins)
Wild horses protest at tree destruction.
Blow Your Own Horn (3 mins)
When a huntsman blows his horn...
Reclaiming The Streets (7 mins)
Anti car party on Westway slip road.
Watch The K Foundation Burn A Million Quid (Gimpo) 63 mins.
The most spectacular anarchist art event since the assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand.
Plus poetry from Mark Jackson and the latest hot and funky sounds from
Mangrove Jazz Band.

Thursday 4 May 2000
Portobello Road, W10
Preview of our show at the British Pavilion in Cannes (10-21 May 2000)
Geist (Martin Butterly) 7 mins
A strange encounter in the City Of London, with music by Mogwai.
Differing Art Of Flight (Ian Firth) 6 mins
An imaginative girl believes she can fly.
Green Monkey (Ian Sprackling) 10 mins
The Usual Suspects set in a South London housing estate.
Hammerman (Andy Shelley) 7 mins
A talentless man tries to get into showbiz
Spoke (Gary Barber)
Politics, poetry and cycling.
50 Quid (Hester Clarke) 5 mins
A wry meditation on the ultimate uselessness of money.
Pancakes And Confetti (Gloria Piedemonte) 8 mins
An androgynous assassin, his sick sister and Death.
The Curl (Brian Griffin) 19 mins
A surreal haircut.
Flying Saucer Rock And Roll
(Hughes Brothers) 12 mins
Ardal OHanlon (Father Dougal from 'Father Ted') is confronted by
an alien invasion.
Jock And John Are Neighbours
(Shane Meadows) 8 mins
- but they hate each others guts. Rare early short from the director of
Un Jour (Marie Paschou) 4 mins
Animated Golden Boot Winner from 1998.
Topper (Ben Owen) 12 mins
Intimate interview with legendary Clash drummer.
Reclaim The Streets (Undercurrents)
7 mins
Anarchy on the Westway slip road.
Golddiggaz (Ness Barker) 5 mins
New York hip-hoppers visit S/M bar.
The Apartment Cat (Sarah Roper) 7 mins
Cat sits on her balcony and dreams of the roof garden opposite.
Beef In Beef (Rob Smits/Brita Hosman)
9 mins
A day in the abbatoir.
Go Go Spankettes (Donald Takeshita-Guy)
20 mins
An all-girl spank rock bands desperate search for a pair of magic
knickers that will get thm to number one.
White Fade Symmetries (Stuart Pound) 10 mins
Experimental pop video.
Mutoids In Berlin (Jonathan Barnett)
16 mins W10 art terrorists turn swords into ploughshares outside the Reichstag.
Concrete Enema (Gimpo) 5 mins
Dragan has a concrete enema.
Datsun Connection (Shane Meadows)
14 mins
A crack team of detectives track down a sinister cult.
Junk (Cassius Rayner)
Turf wars over leaflet distribution featuring Adam Ant.