CH5. SAT. 2.25pm. repeated SUN. 1.05pm.
Lauren Laverne has her critics (yes you, you know who you are,) but
I think she's fab (probably
likes a pint...) Ms Laverne presents POP from the Marquee club in London
with interviews and performances from whoever around and doing stuff.
This week was the totally excellent Big Bruvvas along with Brett Anderson
being interviewed and a video from a slightly dodgy Justin Timberlake.
Johnny Vaughan is another one who seems to inexplicably raise people's
bile. This chat show is the usual laugh you'd will have come to expect.
The guests are an interesting mix and if they're not interesting he'll
make them so. What more do people want?
Love this show. Real trash T.V. Last series it was called Fat Club where
eight members of the public were bullied into losing weight ( I hope
there's an update on those people). Now that it's celebrity flab on
the line the name has been changed lest their F-list showbiz sensibilities
are offended.

ALIAS. CH4. SAT. 5.25pm.
Sidney Bristow is the only student this side of Christendom who
doesn't spend half the day in bed and the other half in the pub. Late
night clubbing isn't the reason our Sidney can't get her essays in on
time, oh no, it's because she's busy being an international double agent
(what else ?). She was first recruited by S.D.6 who are the baddies
but she didnt know that until she was recruited by the C.I.A.
after S.D.6 murdered her fiancee. She wants to avenge his death then
be out of the C.I.A in record time but something tells me she'll be
embroiled in espionage and derring do for some time to come. The usual
quality American production. Good for anyone who's having Smallville
withdrawals (ahem) ..er.. so that's only me then....
LIAR. BBC2. MON. 9.30pm. repeated FRI. Midnight.
Where six contestants are grilled by a studio audience to establish
their authenticity with regard their claims that they're each a brain
surgeon/ have shagged Hugh Grant/ are Ken Dodd's love child by Tiny
Tim. etc. Absolute tosh made watchable only because it is hosted by
Paul Kaye and his excellent wardrobe. Paul Kaye AKA Dennis Pennis and
co star of last years chronically fluffy but highly enjoyable 2000 Acres
of Sky The series is almost over and I doubt it will get a second though
is about to launch into it's third. There's a few new characters who've
crawled out of the woodwork in Royston Vasey including Kenny Harris
who runs the Dog Cinema, which only shows films with dogs in, lots of
reruns of Lassie then... and his sworn enemy is a cat-lover called Dougal
Seipp played by Christopher Eccleston no less.
Ok Bye. Astrid
Now Over To...
Our Woman on Cable...
Cable TV
The summer is drifting towards an end and the nights are drawing
in. Bar-b-ques have been abandoned, and lounging around is being brought
indoors. Soon well be sitting around our tellies ready for something
will while away the evenings. And that is the amazing thing, with so
many channels there's so little to watch. Repeats and reality TV seem
to be the order of the day.
So many many repeats, at the top of the list must be Sabrina the Teenage
Witch, followed closely by the Simpsons, and in no particular order
Cheers, The Bill, Frasier, The Good Life, most of DIY type shows on
Living, Monty Python, Black Adder, Jack Dee, Ab Fab, the list is endless.
Yeah some of the shows are good, but Ive seen them all, more than
once. I cant help but think where the hell is all the new stuff.
There must be loads of people out there with great ideas, making programmes
for TV, with all these channels why dont we get something That's
exciting, funny or thought provoking, or maybe all three, but make it
Big Brother 3- E4
So Kate won, my vote was always for Jade then Alex, so really pleased
to see their both doing well, with TV shows and other work in the pipeline.
They were the only ones of any interest. I never rated the Kate and
Johnnie combo and they with the other housemates seem to be fading fast.
Plans are afoot for the next Celebrity Big Brother, the last was a hoot,
with Jack Dee the firm favourite that won. This year there has been
talk that comic Dawn French has signed up, that Radio 1 DJ Chris Moyles
is a definite no, too busy" and Graham Norton a I hope
Sabrina the Teenage Witch- Nickelodeon
Sabrina must be the most popular show on Nickelodeon, she consistently
wins all the polls and September has been Sabrina month. It is easy
to describe the attraction of the show, its the magic. Magic is
always beguiling, isnt it what we want in our own lives.
Sabrina a young half witch who lives with her two aunts and a cat"
called Salem. She is either at high school or college depending on the
show and has a series of light hearted adventures here and in the Other
Realm. Where by twiddling her finger she gets what she wants, mostly.
The Good Life-UK Gold
Tom and Barbara's adventures at forging a life in self sufficiency
is well known, their friendly sparring with their next door neighbours
Jerry and Margot has been both thought provoking and funny. They have
to change their attitudes towards life and no money. But mostly it is
the play of the two couples together with their different life styles,
that gets the programme going and always makes me laugh.