Counter Culture Portobello
Psychogeographical History
by Tom Vague.
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‘When I think of the punk years, particularly 1977, I always think
of one particular spot, just at the point where the elevated Westway
diverges from Harrow Road and pursues the line of the Hammersmith and
City tube tracks to Westbourne Park Station. From the end of 1976, one
of the stanchions holding up the Westway was emblazoned with large graffiti
which said simply, ‘The Clash’. When first sprayed the graffiti
laid a psychic boundary marker for the group – This was their
manor, this was how they saw London.’ Jon Savage ‘Punk London’
‘All across the town, all across the night, everybody’s
driving with full head lights, black or white turn it on face the new
religion, everybody’s sitting round watching television, London’s
burning with boredom now, London’s burning dial 999, Up and down
the Westway, in and out the lights, what a great traffic system, it’s
so bright, I can’t think of a better way to spend the night than
speeding around underneath the yellow lights...’ The Clash ‘London’s

The Westway to the world story of the Clash can be traced back to 1973
when Mick Jones, and his gran, moved to a flat on the 18th floor of
Wilmcote House, on the Harrow Road Warwick Estate, overlooking the flyover
north of Royal Oak. When Mick was forming his first group up in Wilmcote
House, across the ‘scrapyard vistas of collapsing Victorian housing
stock and corrugated iron’ of proto-punk London, Joe Strummer
called on his former busking partner Tymon Dogg, at 23 Chippenham Road.
Duly housed by the Maida Hill Squatters and Tenants Association at 101
Walterton Road, Joe (when known as John ‘Woody’ Mellor)
was inspired by a local Irish folk band, and Dr Feelgood at the Windsor
Castle, to organise his house mates into El Huaso and the 101 All Stars.
With most of their instruments acquired from Portobello market, the
original line-up was Joe/Woody – guitar, Simon ‘Big John’
Cassell – alto-sax/vocals, Patrick Nother – bass, Antonio
Narvaez/Richard ‘Snakehips Dudanski’ Nother – drums,
and the Chilean exile pop star Alvaro Pena-Rojas – tenor sax.
After playing benefits for victims of Pinochet, and the Royalty cinema
on Lancaster Road, they abbreviated to the 101ers during their shebeen-style
gigs at the Chippenham pub (on the junction of Chippenham, Malvern,
Shirland and Walterton Roads). This 16 week residency became known as
the ‘Charlie Pigdog Club’, in honour of the 101 Walterton
Road dog, equipment was transported to the pub by pram, and the audience
mostly consisted of fellow squatters. Mole (real name: Marwood Chesterton)
became the bassist after meeting Simon Cassell on Ladbroke Grove, Jules
Yewdall (who compiled the 101ers book and Strummer exhibition) took
over lead vocals, and Clive ‘Evil C’ Timperley (later of
the Passions) was recruited on lead guitar. Woody Mellor became Joe
Strummer, as he began his transformation from Woody Guthrie to Bruce
Springsteen wannabe.
The 101ers’ Chippenham residency came to an end in 1975, amidst
reports of an Irish v gypsy barroom battle, shortly before their eviction
from the Big Brother house. Their next squat, 36 St Luke’s Road
(parallel with All Saints Road), was described in Heathcote Williams’
Ruff Tuff Cream Puff squatting estate agents mag as: ‘empty 2
years/entry through rear/no roof/suit astronomer’. Their next
musical residency, in the Elgin at 96 Ladbroke Grove, put them and Notting
Hill on the pub rock map. Here, between May ’75 and January ’76,
the 101ers transformed from a Van Morrison-style ‘urban rhythm’n’blues
orchestra’ into a more streamlined rock’n’roll outfit.
Thus bringing them on-line with the pub rock boom headed by Dr Feelgood,
Ian Dury’s Kilburn and the High Roads, Graham Parker and the Rumour,
and Eddie and the Hot Rods. Joe Strummer’s first original number,
the single ‘Keys to Your Heart’, and the Clash tracks ‘Junco
Partner’ and ‘Jail Guitar Doors’ date back to the
Elgin. As the previously trad Irish folk venue became part of the pub
rock circuit it also featured gigs by the Derelicts, McSmith with Alex
Harvey, and alternative comedy turns by Alexei Sayle, Keith and Tony
Allen. The Chippenham and Elgin pub rock scene was trailblazed by the
Derelicts, another pre-punk group who merged with the 101ers, and went
on to be the Atoms – with Keith Allen, and prag VEC. In ’76
the Derelicts and the 101ers played a benefit for the unsuccessful campaign
to save The Point café on Tavistock Road, featuring ‘Portobello’
and ‘Westway’ songs. The former apparently consisted of
the proto-punk chant: ‘Portobello Road! Portobello Road! W10!’
As the 101ers became the main contenders to Dr Feelgood’s pub
rock bar stool, they went on the road in an old hearse to play the Stonehenge
and Windsor free festivals, squatters benefits and student unions. Locally
they also played the first gig at Acklam Hall under the Westway (on
the site of Neighbourhood); a benefit for the North Kensington Law Centre;
the Harrow Road Windsor Castle, the Western Counties on Praed Street,
Hammersmith Clarendon, Acklam Hall again and the Campden Hill Queen
Elizabeth college. Their last residency was at the Nashville Rooms in
West Kensington, with Ted Carroll’s Rock On Disco and the Sex
Pistols. The first punk rock site in North Kensington is 93 Golborne
Road. Here, in what is now the Moroccan casbah, from the early 70s the
Rock On record stall, of Thin Lizzy’s manager Ted Carroll, boasted
a ‘huge and rocking selection’ of rare/imported rock’n’roll,
rhythm’n’blues, rockabilly, 60s beat, northern soul, US
punk and garage. According to Jon Savage, in his punk rock book ‘England’s
Dreaming’, ‘going there was in itself an act of faith. Golborne
Road was at the wrong end of Portobello Road, 10 years before urban
regeneration.’ Roger Armstrong, the other Rock On owner (now of
Ace Records) recalls “a small space at the end of a kind of enclosed
alleyway… famous for the Elvis wallpaper… from around 1972.”
Joe’s alter-ego ‘Albert Transom’, the Clash valet,
recalls following the thrift pioneers along Golborne Road, as they haggled
over a Dansette record player for £2, and rummaged through the
30p bargainbins for early Who, Stones, Bo Diddley, Ronnie Hawkins and
the Hawks, ‘all the blues, ska and rock’n’roll nobody
wanted’, Howling Wolf, Woody Guthrie, Clarence Gatemouth Brown,
Leadbelly, Bukka White and Big Youth: ‘They would haunt these
little arcades of leather jackets and toy cars and ancient radios, little
record shacks in the back where a tiny dedicated minority would be packed
in leafing through the racks like zombies, all vibrating to Hank Mizel,
all quiffs and petticoat skirts and lumberjack shirts and leather jackets.
Pictures of Gene Vincent and Bill Haley, the odd pair of pointy toed
Cuban heel Chelsea boots…’ The 101ers’ ‘Elgin
Avenue Breakdown’ album came out in the early 80s on their own
Andalucia label, featuring the West Indian ‘metal man’ street
character on the cover, as the Elgin pub was revived as a rock venue.
In this period there were gigs by the Vincent Units (the post-punk 101ers
who included Dudanski and Mole), the Passions (including Timperley),
Nik Turner (from Hawkwind)’s Inner City Unit, Mark Perry’s
Good Missionaries, Scritti Politti, the Androids of Mu and Splodgenessabounds.
In punk psychogeography, if not in reality, the Clash formed in Portobello
market when Mick, Paul and Glen Matlock of the Pistols bumped into Joe
and told him they didn’t like the 101ers but thought he had potential.
As recounted by Joe on the second Clash album ‘Give ’Em
Enough Rope’, in the Mott the Hoople homage ‘All The Young
Punks’: ‘I was hanging about down the market street when
I met some passing yobbos and we did chance to speak.’ In other
versions the pivotal meeting took place on Ladbroke Grove/Road, Westbourne
Grove, Golborne Road, in Shepherd’s Bush, the Lisson Grove dole
office, or it was a total fabrication to cover up the premeditated poaching
of Strummer. By then Matlock, the only hereditary punk local, had accepted
the proto-Clash as ‘4 square Portobello Road boys’. In Pat
Gilbert’s ‘Passion is a Fashion’, Paul recalls Joe
and Mick being laughed at by rudeboys on Golborne Road, for their excesses
with his paint-splattered Jackson Pollock look.
After the Clash first practised in Shepherd’s Bush, at the future
Slit Viv Albertine’s squat, 22 Davis Road, Bernie Rhodes installed
them in their ‘Rehearsal Rehearsals’ studio in Camden, but
the centre of the group’s universe remained Ladbroke Grove. In
the summer of ’76 the last 101ers residence, 42 Orsett Terrace,
near Royal Oak, became the most celebrated/notorious punk squat when
Joe and Palmolive were joined by Paul, Sid Vicious and Keith Levene
(then of the Clash, later Public Image Limited). As living conditions
at Orsett Terrace, in the record hot summer, inspired the early Clash
number ‘How Can I Understand the Flies?’, ‘Albert
Transom’ recalled a visit: ‘They led me down a steep stone
stairway into the basement of an old Victorian ruin in west London.
If there were 50 flies in there, there were a hundred, they walked across
the room stooping to avoid the dense cloud... It was disgusting. I left
before they could offer me some of the filth they were cooking up, some
of which I had seen them picking up out of the road after the veg market
closed up. When one of the marketers saw the lads sifting the rubbish
they deliberately stamped on any whole fruits that they were leaving
behind... I remember the Olympics were on and they had 8 televisions
going because on one the picture worked but the sound didn’t and
vice versa.’
‘Now I’m in the subway looking for the flat, this one leads
to this block this one leads to that, the wind howls through the empty
blocks looking for a home, but I run through the empty stone because
I’m all alone.’ Joe wrote ‘London’s Burning’,
on his return to Orsett Terrace, after watching the traffic from Wilmcote
House. The definitive local Clash anthem is also said to be influenced
by the MC5’s ‘Motor City is Burning’ (about the ’67
Detroit riots), the 1666 Great Fire of London, the Situationist ‘Same
Thing Day After Day’ graffiti under the Westway, JG Ballard and
speed. Joe, in the NME on their ambivalent view of the psychogeography:
“We’d take amphetamines and storm round the bleak streets
where there was nothing to do but watch the traffic lights. That’s
what ‘London’s Burning’ is about.”
After a press preview in their Camden studio, in front of Paul’s
West 10-land mural, the Clash made their proper London debut supporting
the Pistols, at the Screen on the Green in Islington. As the temperature
rose, tempers were lost at what was then seen as an excessive police
presence. After an attempted arrest under the Westway, the inevitable
clash of police and youths came to a soundtrack of Junior Murvin’s
‘Police and Thieves in the streets, scaring the nation with their
guns and ammunition’; echoing the near civil war situation in
Jamaica, and homegrown football hooliganism. ‘Albert Transom’
recalled getting caught up in the first incident under the Westway.
After a group of ‘blue helmets sticking up like a conga line’
went through the crowd, one was hit by a can, immediately followed by
a hail of cans: ‘The crowd drew back suddenly and the Notting
Hill riot of 1976 was sparked. We were thrown back, women and children
too, against a fence which sagged back dangerously over a drop. I can
clearly see Bernie Rhodes, even now, frozen at the centre of a massive
painting by Rabelais or Michelangelo… as around him a full riot
breaks out and 200 screaming people running in every direction. The
screaming started it all. Those fat black ladies started screaming the
minute it broke out, soon there was fighting 10 blocks in every direction.’
As the police charged up Westbourne Park Road Joe found sanctuary in
the Elgin, then he and Paul joined in the traffic cone and occasional
brick throwing action, but they ended up in a shot by both sides situation.
On Janet Street-Porter’s London Weekend Show Joe said: “We
got searched by policemen looking for bricks, and later on we got searched
by Rasta looking for pound notes in our pockets.”
That night, Joe, Paul and Sid were warned off by a black woman when
they tried to enter the Metro youth club on Tavistock Road. As Joe told
Tony Parsons: “It wasn’t our riot, though we felt like one.”
Inspired by black anarchy in the UK, as much as by the Sex Pistols,
Joe wrote the lyrics of the first Clash single: ‘White riot, I
wanna riot, white riot, a riot of my own, black man gotta lot of problems
but they don’t mind throwing a brick, white people go to school
where they teach you how to be thick, and everybody’s doing just
what they’re told to, and nobody wants to go to jail.’ Quite
clearly meaning that he felt excluded from the black riot, but, at the
same time, empathy with the cause. Nevertheless, the song was misinterpreted
as a call for whites to riot against blacks ’58 style, by a students
union. On the whole, white hooligan youth got the intended meaning.
‘White Riot’ is also said to be influenced by the Weathermen
US hippy terrorist group’s ‘Revolutionary Songbook’,
via Bernie, but as Joe explained his consumer society critique to the
NME: “The only thing we’re saying about blacks is that they’ve
got their problems and they’re prepared to deal with them, but
white men, they just ain’t… they’ve got stereos, drugs,
hi-fis, cars.”
Within the ‘Sandinista’ triple set, on the ‘One More
Time (In The Ghetto)’/‘Hitsville UK’ local album,
they return to Ladbroke Grove with the 101ers’ ‘Junco Partner’
from the Elgin, ‘The Leader’ (referring to Profumo according
to Nick Kent), ‘The Crooked Beat’ (police), ‘Lightning
Strikes’, ‘Up in Heaven’ (towerblocks), ‘Corner
Soul’ (blues), ‘Let’s Go Crazy’, ‘Police
On My Back’, ‘The Street Parade’ (Carnival). ‘Corner
Soul’ captures the pre-Carnival tension, as the forces of Notting
Hill Babylon put the area under heavy manners, ‘searching every
place on the Grove’, asking: ‘Is the music calling for a
river of blood? Beat the drums tonight, Alphonso, spread the news all
over the Grove… total war must burn on the Grove… Spread
the word tonight please Sammy, they’re searching every house on
the Grove, don’t go alone now Sammy, the wind has blown away the
corner soul.’ ‘Let’s Go Crazy’ encapsulates
the militant reggae mas and mayhem, featuring steel drums and namechecks
Jah Shaka, sticksmen and ganja, ‘bricks and bottles, corrugated
iron, shields and helmets, Carnival time!… young men know when
the sun has set darkness comes to settle a debt… with indiscriminate
use of the power of arrest, they’re waiting for the sun to set,
You wanna go crazy, then let’s go crazy…’ Then Joe
‘disappears/joins/fades’ into the steel pan dub of ‘The
Street Parade’.
In the early 80s the Clash posed on Freston Road, in front of the squatted
Apocalypse Hotel (the old Trafalgar pub, on the site of the ‘Frestonia’
Chrysalis office building), Mick already with a hip-hop ghettoblaster.
For the rest of the 80s Futura2000 graffiti marked the spot of the punky
hip-hop party. Futura was the Clash rapper on ‘Overpowered by
Funk’ on ‘Combat Rock’, and their on-stage graffiti
When Joe went AWOL on ‘Combat Rock’ duty, at the time of
the Falklands war, music press briefings were held in Mike’s Café
on Blenheim Crescent. After the protracted break-up of the Clash Joe
was arrested for drink driving round the corner on Kensington Park Road.
He later paid homage to Portobello with ‘Shouting Street’,
on his 1990 Latino Rockabilly War album ‘Earthquake Weather’.
Joe legally occupied a property on Lancaster Road. As well as the Lonsdale
and the Elgin, most local pubs have some Clash connection. Joe cited
the Portobello Star as his favourite, and the Warwick/Castle as his
least favourite after being barred in the 90s.
The Strummer/Jones songwriting partnership resumed on the second BAD
album, ‘Number 10 Upping Street’, after Mick produced Joe’s
‘Sid and Nancy: Love Kills’ track. In 1983 Mick and Paul
starred in Joe’s gangster home-movie ‘Hell W10’, as
the gangster boss and ‘The Harder They Come’ rebel respectively,
in scenes on Portobello, a fight outside the Electric cinema, and beside
the Westway, another fight outside the Tavistock Crescent Frog &
Firkin (now the Mother Black Cap). Joe appeared in Alex Cox’s
‘Sid and Nancy’ follow-up, the punk western ‘Straight
to Hell’, Jim Jarmusch’s ‘Mystery Train’, and
Cox’s ‘Walker’. After his death in 2002 local tributes
were paid under the Westway at Westbourne Studios, on Ladbroke Grove
in the Elgin, and by the surviving 101ers at the Tabernacle in Powis
Square. Joe’s final local gig at Kensal Green was attended by
the first Clash critic Charles Shaar Murray, the last Clash groupie
Courtney Love, and a group of firemen – after his last London
gig was a firemen’s strike benefit in Acton. ‘Strummerville’
was founded at Glastonbury, and filmed under the Westway roundabout,
in Stable Way, by Julien Temple. In one of his last interviews Joe said:
“There’s a brick wall in Notting Hill near Portobello market
that I would rather look at for hours than go to Madame Tussaud’s
and it’s totally free and full of history.”