Adrift in Notting Hill and A Blues for Shindig
2 Alex Trocchi’s
Invisible Insurrection
3 Longhair
Times: Hoppy and Miles
4 Rolling
Stones on the Portobello Road
5 Michael
X on the Black Beat in the Ghetto
6 Ladbroke
Grove Roots
Michael X on the Black Beat in the Ghetto
In his ‘On the
Black Beat’ column in The Gate, Michael de Freitas
wrote: ‘There are many approaches to this place
– some by road or rail – some by moral degeneration.
Today I chose the bus, boarded a number 28 outside West
Hampstead station and headed for what was once my home,
‘The Grove’ as we black ones call it, ‘The
Gate’ as it is commonly called by Free School
people. The Grove is still one of the few places I feel
safe in Babylon, no yobbos are going to attack me there
and get away with it. My brothers down there know they
are my brothers, unlike the other more sophisticated
and pretentious black people in and around the area
where I picked up this bus. I was a little bit bluesy
when I started this trek but gradually my mood changed
as we got closer to Westbourne Park Road. Maybe it was
all those black faces I started seeing more and more
of as we went along that did it, maybe it was the familiar
stench of the Ghetto.’
Michael Horovitz’s
1966 Carnival
Michael Horovitz’s
1966 ‘Carnival’ poem adds to the Beatles’
local street cred with: ‘Children – all
ages chorusing – we all live in a yellow submarine
– trumpeting tin bam goodtime stomp – a
sun-smiling wide-open steelpan-chromatic neighbourhood
party making love not war.’ In the hippy Carnival
origin theory, as propagated by Horovitz in Days in
the Life, the Notting Hill event began as a jazz-poetry
extension of the 1965 Albert Hall beat poets gig and
the headline act was Pink Floyd. In what could be hippy
confusion with the renowned Nottingham Goose Fair, he
remembered saying: “There used to be a goose fair
or something, spelt f-a-y-r-e, before the last war,
and Hoppy said ‘Hey, man, there used to be this
fayre thing! Listen, man, you poets, we ought to get
together and start Live New Departures in the local
Michael Horovitz’s early 60s Live New Departures
show also featured the beat poets Pete Brown and Adrian
Mitchell. Horovitz’s ‘Vision of Portobello
Road’ poem in the Children of Albion anthology
– featuring ‘screaming tricycles and melons,
lettuces and ripe negroes, stripe shirt, and others
proud walking, it’s gay and sad and rich enough’
– is cited as a prime example of William Blake
inspired beat/hippy mysticism in ‘The Magical
City’ chapter of Jonathan Raban’s Soft City.
After Mark Boyle and Joan Hills did the lightshow for
Michael Horovitz’s Live New Departures at the
Marquee in 1963, they went on to do psychedelic shows
at the UFO club and on tour with Soft Machine and Jimi
Hendrix. The Boyle Family was also renowned for artwork
made from rubbish found at randomly selected sites around
Notting Hill. In ‘The Street’ happening
of 1964 they took their audience down Pottery Lane into
Notting Dale, to a door marked ‘theatre’.
Once inside the participants found themselves facing
a curtain which was drawn back to reveal the Crown pub
corner, and whatever happened in the street was the
At All Saints church hall in the late 60s, the beat
poet Cream lyricist Pete Brown remembered ‘incredible
mad jamming sessions’, citing one featuring Alexis
Korner, Arthur Brown, Mick Farren, Nick Mason of Pink
Floyd and himself singing ‘Lucille’, as
“really frightening to a lot of people, including
us.” The Carnival founder Rhaune Laslett recalled
an All Saints hall happening involving Jeff Nuttall’s
People Band, ‘motorbikes and very scantily dressed
girls riding pillion, throwing jam covered newspapers
and other paint dripping missiles at the audience.’
International Times
As well as Notting Hill
Carnival, Pink Floyd, psychedelic lightshows and adventure
playgrounds, the London Free School launched the UK
underground press on the world from All Saints hall.
International Times, or IT, the first and longest running
British hippy underground paper, was a continuation
of the Free School newsletter, The Gate/The Grove; originally
published by Hoppy and Miles’s Love Books and
financed by the proceeds of Pink Floyd’s All Saints
gigs. The idea of expanding the local newsletter into
a London/world-wide newspaper came from the American
underground press; the 50s Village Voice, the East Village
Other, LA Free Press, San Francisco Oracle, Open City,
Berkeley Barb, etc. The first issues of IT propagated
such counter-culture causes as Miles’s 24 hour
hippy city, Alex Trocchi’s Project Sigma, William
Burroughs’ ‘Invisible Generation’,
Allen Ginsberg, Michael X’s Racial Adjustment
Action Society, Steve Abrams’ SOMA Legalise Pot
campaign, Gustav Metzger’s Destruction In Art
Symposiums, Yoko Ono at Indica, the Arts Lab, the Dutch
Provos, Timothy Leary, Dick Gregory and Harvey Matusow.
In 1967 ‘the Death and Resurrection of IT’
parade down Portobello Road (after the paper was first
busted by the Obscene Publications Squad) featured a
coffin containing the speed beat poet Harry Fainlight
carried on a ‘rebirth journey’ from the
Cenotaph in Whitehall back to Notting Hill Gate on the
Circle Line, with bongo drum accompaniment. In the picture
from the Some of IT book a group of fairly short-haired
beatnik/hippy types in capes and Paisley shirts are
led by a black bongo drummer. At the end of the demo,
IT was symbolically resurrected in the human form of
Harry Fainlight, resulting in several arrests.
read on -
part 6: Ladbroke Grove Roots