CUP. |
The Cup uses real monks as its actors and is shot entirely in an actual monastery. It shreds our Kundun expectations - incense and unwrinkled tranquilly is replaced by Coca-Cola and fisticuffs. The Portobello film café screening was hosted by Tibetan Film and Video archives - their premise: to provide a visual space in which Tibet can articulate itself. But lest ideology eclipse the artƒ One roguish monk-ette (sporting a Reynaldo shirt beneath his orange robes, his candle-lit shrine a glossy patchwork of penalty kicks) persuades impressionable monk-friends to join his mission: sneaking, after lights-out, into town to watch the World-Cup. |
On their return, they get whisked away by the scruffs of their necks, and
put on kitchen duty punishment by head-monk; Geko ƒwho has himself, a surprisingly
intimate knowledge of football mattersƒ The Cup is a domestic, humane, film.
The idiosyncrasies of monastic life, laid out for laughs. But the brutality
of Chinese occupation penetrates each frame. Refugees arrive at the monastery,
telling of struggles at the boarder, of violence and suppression in Tibet. Continues on next page |
to Talking Pictures I
Part 2 |