Maxilla Social Club
2 Maxilla Walk London W10 6NQ

Thrillers, Crime & Dramas
6 - 10 pm

Buds, The Movie (Sam Thompson) 18 mins
A short movie about two mates who grew up in West London. Lanks and Shub are BUDS.
Enantiodromia (lisa Ghosn) 4 mins
An exploration of unconscious intervention. A portrait of visual psychology and the mind’s attempt to balance itself without conscious approval.
Time (Kirk Miller-Lewis) 4 mins
Time gets ahead of you and you lose track and sometimes you just have to stop and manage it before it’s too late.
Stapleton (Tosin Oshinyemi) 14 mins
A London writer answers telephone in the middle of the night and pretends to be a private detective.
Drones (Diana Taylor) 11 mins
A sinister appraisal of the future of military drone warfare.
Rueful Warrior (Mark Owen) 15 mins
Alien agent in moral and physical conflict as she tries to keep the peace with a group of soldiers from earth.
Rain Stops Play (Mika Simmons) 9 mins
A modern day comedy of errors about mistaken identity, technonolgy, and ageism
The Future Of Retail (David Tarbox) 10 mins
The first shop in space is established in the not too distant future.
Mucky Pup (Jonathan James) 7 mins
A troubled mother confides in her son’s counselor.
Distant Sky (Gareth Peevers) 16 mins
A bereaved man kidnaps and threatens an innocent victim from a parallel world.
Failed By The State (Redfish) 45 mins
An exclusive grassroots report into how austerity and gentrification caused the Grenfell tragedy, one of the deadliest fires in recent UK history.
Life In A Week (Henry Scott Irvine) 45 mins
Viewed through an actual week in the life of Jonny Cross, while also looking back at his entire life, Cross - aka Jonny The Fox - was the only boy dancer in a class full of girls. His dream was to be a football coach by day and a professional dancer by night. He was in effect a real life Billy Elliot! This real life journey takes in Liverpool, London, Bexhill-On-Sea, West End Musicals, Stand-up Comedy, TV auditions and Football, which probably leaves you asking here, 'Who Is Jonny The Fox?' Answer? Jonny is you and me and the rest of the world. A man still chasing his dreams. Not a celebrity nor a star. He's YOU and ME my friends. And THAT is the point of this film! Its film about maintaining hope!
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