269 Portobello Road, W11 1LR

European Films & Spanish Films
6 - 10.30 pm

Chocolate Wind Ilia Atonencko 24 mins 12A
Lonely and indecisive 18 years old Alia feels like a Cinderella dreaming to escape from the poverty and shabbiness of the environment. Her old friend Masha, who is fairly reckless, finds Alia in Skype and like a fairy suggests her making all her dreams come true.
Drama Russia
Scream Toma Stenko 24 mins 15
Serafima, a young and beautiful girl, living with a younger brother Anton in a big country house. She often has men coming over to “entertain” her and leave her some money.
So why does she feel like she keeps falling lower and lower in life. Why does she suffer, why does she wash herself 8 times a day? Why does she rush to open the door to see no one there? With the sounds of eastern flute Duduk we find out the cause of her pain.
Drama Russia
Hello, Macbeth Tamilla Slichenko 15 mins 12A
How to deal with imaginary friends on your birthday?
Fiction, comedy Russia
A Million-Dollar Coffee Andrei Bulatov 17 mins 15
Andrey, a young and talented IT specialist, works as a waiter in a bar. One day robbers crash in their bar. Andrew faces a serious trial that will make him understand if he steps over the line before the gun shot sounds…
Fiction, comedy Russia
One Roman Sinityn 7 mins U
Old Man on an empty train. Where is he going and why?
Ageing, loneliiness / Drama Russia
Spring is Coming Tamara Bocharova 15 mins 12A
A Ukrainian woman, Inna, works in Moscow. Her dream is to earn enough money for an apartment for her daughter, who lives in Donetsk. As she makes many sacrifices, Inna tries to close her eyes to the events going on around her. Her hopes for a better future prove stronger than the harsh reality, but it is precisely these hopes that hinder Inna from making the right choice in a difficult time.
Drama Russia
Sasha is an eight-year-old boy who lives in Ukraine with his mum and five siblings. Their everyday life is involved in misery, poverty and even further complicated
by the current war in the country. Sasha leaves Ukraine in order to live during a summer with a Catalan’ family in Spain. What he will find out, who he will meet,
how he will be affected and how he will live are questions that will arise all throughout the film.
Documentary Spain & Ukraine
500 BOGDAN ALBU 25 mins 12A
Maria saves a man from drowning, just as she was about to take her own life, only to find out that small kindnesses can come back and change your life.
T O O - T A S H D A R I U S Z S I P O W S K I 15 mins
‘Too-Tash’ is a short documentary from the Pamir Mountains in Tajikistan. An
old Kirghiz nomad tells a tale about past times, when people and ghosts used
to live together.
Documentary Poland, UK
BETI BEZPERAKO KOPLAK Ageda Kopla Taldea 6 mins 15
St. Agatha's Eve is a deep-rooted Basque tradition in which people walk from house to house, accompanied by improvised verse-makers (bertsolaris), singing verses to the beating of long sticks. Building on this celebration, bertsolari Maialen Lujanbio composes a stark denunciation of gender violence. In verse after verse, she condemns the different manifestations of sexist violence and our inability to combat it.
Based on these couplets, twenty young artists direct a collective-created piece, using different animation techniques.
Animation - Social Issues Spain
Daniel goes to a job interview. If selected, he will be in charge of walking Siegfried, Cosme’s dog. But Siegfried is a fierce dog and, if the right instructions are not followed, he can become fearsome.
Dark Comedy Spain
EL SOL DE IPANEMA Victor Vicente Villavicencio Potella 15 mins 18
A family visit to the supermarket in a sunny afternoon.
But the hallway of the supermarket is very different from
the hallway where Luis hangs around. Everything seems
to be fine. But and unexpected object forces Nieves to
confront the reality and problems of their marriage.
Drama Spain
LA ARAÑA Emiliano Granada Ortega 13 mins 18
A man looks across the courtyard of his
tenement building. He glimpses the figure of a woman,
staring back at him from her window. He is falling in
love with her image. Night comes. As he sleeps, the
sound of a creeping spider, resonates through the
building. Trapped in his solitude, the man's sense of
reality steadily dissolves.
Drama Spain
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