269 Portobello Road, W11 1LR

A Night Of Dutch Films /
Certified Dead
6pm – 10.30pm
One Punch - The Eddie Copeland Story Simon Rasing 40 minutes 12
What do you do when you’re forced to stop doing the thing you love most? Documentary Holland
Deserted Niels Bourgouje 10 minutes U
A man is walking through a desert carrying a full water bottle. He is desperately fighting the temptation todrink the water. What will happen if he drinks? Drama Holland
Copyrette Marc de Leeuw 10 minutes 15 The nude body of a young woman lies motionless on a kitchen floor. In a nearby forest a man calls out for his dog. Their paths cross at a copy shop.
Drama Holland
Flood Hiske de Goeje & Randy Oost 9 minutes 15
Hanna holds her ground amongst the boys whilst puberty sets in.
Drama Holland
Gratis (For Free) Merijn Scholte Albers & Tobias Smeets 9 minutes 12A
However Ruud and Els have been married for a hundred years, it only takes one minute to look at each other with different eyes again.
Comedy Holland
Green Screen Gringo Douwe Dijkstra 16 minutes 12A
Behind a green screen, a foreigner finds his way in an enchanting - and yet turbulent - Brazil.
Experimental Documentary Holland
Greetings From Aleppo Issa Touma, Thomas Vroege & Floor van der Meulen 17 minutes 12A
Greetings from Aleppo introduces us to the lives and stories of ordinary people, so that they don’t remain unknown to us and their stories will not be lost. The film is a follow-up of 9 DAYS FROM MY WINDOW IN ALEPPO, by the same filmmakers
Documentary Holland
Greetings From Kropsdan Joren Molter 24 minutes 12A
Lammert has no mischief, but he becomes the victim of the stifling effect of a community, which already has chosen his scapegoat.
Drama Holland
Hold On Charlotte Scott-Wilson 22 minutes 12A
A young cellist has to overcome her fears to keep her position in an orchestra.
Drama Holland
Import Ena Sendijarevic 17 minutes 18
A young Bosnian refugee family ends up in a small village in the Netherlands. Absurd situations arise as they are trying to make this new world their home.
Drama Holland
Jordy In Trasitland Willem Timmers 6 minutes 15
Will Jordy ever escape the persistent narrow-mindedness as a transgender?
Drama Holland
Rock N Rollers Daan Bol 25 minutes 12A
A rockumentary about friendship, growing up and the power of music.
Documentary Holland
Certified Dead Marrie Lee 90 minutes 12A
“Certified Dead” is a drama about a May-December couple, midlifer Ian Lee, man ordinaire, young bride Megan and Erin, their cute 4 year old preschooler. Life is good but Ian constantly worries he won’t live long enough for his young family. Thus he falls prey to a new drug experiment conducted by his best friend. It throws his whole life into complete chaos. He races against time to fulfil his bucket list before he becomes food for the maggots. Drama Singapore
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