139 Ladbroke Grove W10 6HJ

Golden Trellick Films & Dutch/international Showcase
2pm – 6pm
Show a selection of the Award Winning films.
6 pm - 10 pm
Dutch & International films
International Dramas
Yaadikoone Marc Picavez 22 minutes U
Approaching the rainy season, Yaadikoone, a nine-year-old boy, accidently brakes his house’s roof with his soccer ball. Yaadi decides to fix it himself. In his quest, he learns the story of another “Yaadikoone”, a famous 50’s bandit, remembered in the popular memory as the Senegales Robin Hood.... Drama France
Who Doesn’t Have A dark Side? Leo Favier 15 minutes U
The budget minister finds himself cornered by journalists. That’s it, they’ve found evidence of his secret Swiss bank account. Scandal! Resignation! How could things have come to such a pass?To come up with an exit strategy, the minister dives back into his past.Made using video clips taken from image banks, the film gives a humorous and exact account of the life of a politician who grabs every opportunity he can to succeed and clamber his way to the top. Drama France
Cassandre Joffrey Renambatz 20 minutes U
Reunion island. Cassandre, a 12 year old girl, has just lost her father. One morning she runs away on her own in the direction of the Cicus of Mafate. She wishes to honour the last will of her dead father. But on her way back home, she gets lost. Drama France
Silent Words Zoe Wittock 9 minutes 12A
When two souls wake up in each others arms, everything seems to be of the obvious: they’re in love. But Laurence sees it differently ..... A mystery that Sacha cannot seem to wrap his head around. Drama France
Bingo Patrick Schoenmaker 3 minutes 12A
Bingo! In a joyless nursing home, a feisty elderly woman embarks on a maniacal quest to recover a lost bingo ball.
Animation Holland
Brillance Miles Roston 13 minutes 15
Six lives collide in a flash of sunshine, bullets and jewels.
Drama Holland
Kings Day (Konings Dag) Steven Wouterlood 25 minutes U
Younes is selling at a lively street market but when the young folk singer Kelvin arrives the atmosphere deteriorates fast.
Ninnoc Niki Padidar 19 minutes 12A
A film about exclusion and inclusion, about being your own and group pressure.
Otto Job, Joris & Marieke 10 minutes U
A childless woman steals a girl’s imaginary friend
Holland Animation
Paniek (Panic) Joost Lieuwma & Daan Velsink 6 minutes U
Panic attacks are surprising Marja’s holiday. Or is it just her imagination?
Pien, Queen Of The Bees Ellen Vloet 16 minutes U
Beekeeper Pien (10) is determined to save the bees from extinction. In the meantime she is also treated for cancer.
Documentary Holland
Red-End And The Factory Plane Robin Noorda & Bethany de Forest 16 minutes U
Red-end has to rescue Redback out of a meat factory.
Animation Holland
Supporting Film (Voor Film) - Douwe Dijkstra 12 minutes U
A short film about film.
Under The Apple Tree Erik van Schaaik 19 minutes 15
A horror comedy about a farmer, a priest and worms.
animation, comedy Holland
Voices Of Finance Clara van Gool 35 minutes 12A
Short film based on the banking blog Joris Luyendijk wrote for The Guardian about the heart of finance: the City of London. Experimental Holland
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