139 Ladbroke Grove W10 6HJ

Spanish & Romanian Films
2pm – 10.30pm
O Tremor Oscar Vincentelli 23 minutes U In a coal mine in Spain, our gaze focuses on the hypnotic cadence of work revealing the continous movement of the machinery devouring workers: the very last gestures of the mythical mining labor slowly disappearing. Perhaps it is one of the last active coal mines in Europe. We do not know, but the miners are still trying to salvage the unstoppable. Documentary Spain
I Said I Would Never Talk About Politics Aitor Onederra 11 minutes 15
Mr. Mariano travels by aeroplane and goes to dine at prestigious restaurant which specialises in natural, quality red meat that is low in fat and cholesterol. Animation Spain
Marcelne Blurr Nadia Mata Portillo 16 minutes 12A
Inspired by the movies of the French New Wave, Marceline Blurr is the story of a young woman who was born with a vision impairment extremely out of the ordinary. For her the world is a magical place. A big unfinished tableau upon which she finds it not only amusing but absolutely essential to paint.
Drama Spain
Araan JORGE DAYAS 6 minutes 12A
A little girl is waiting at home the arrival of his father. In a snowy forest, paratroopers face an enemy who surprised them with machine gun fire and artillery. All of them fall into the ambush except one, which has endured the attack, entrenched among the trees.
Drama Spain
Silente JESÚS MÉNDEZ 9 minutes U
One of these normal days, one afternoon as many others, my son, my daughter in law, their house, my silence…
Drama Spain
Al Pelae Óscar de Julián 22 minutes 15
Too many memories for just a man
Drama Spain
El Pescador (The Fisherman) Alejandro Suárez 20 minutes 12A
Mr Wong is a third generation fisherman in Hong Kong, struggling to keep this tradition alive. One night, he decides to leave the crowded waters of Victoria Harbour, and fish in calmer waters. His luck changes when he catches something that does not belong to this world.
Drama Spain
Le Propina Esteban Crespo 10 minutes U
Life is incredible! The encounter between a bygone movie star and a flower delivery boy turns into a fable with unexpected endings.
Todo Lo Demas Federico Untermann 30 minutes 12
Laura and Miguel discover the limits of their love
112 Wenceslao Scyzoryk 6 minutes U
A Christmas Tale inspired on a true story.
Algo Que Decir (Something to say) José Ángel Lázaro 18 minutes 15
Twenty years and more than a thousand concerts after, The Monkey Rumbers split up. They haven´t been able to make a living with music, and their relationships, illusions and needs are not the same they used to be. The night of the last concert, in the audience, there´s someone special.
Milkshake Express Miguel Casanova 21 minutes 15
Follows the last day of the campaign of the PNC (New Change Party), the favorite one to win next Spanish general elections, and its charismatic leader, Valentina Garrido.
Nowhereland Guillermo Madurga 6 minutes 15
Where would you go if you could go anywhere? Nowhereland it's a trip through the imagination of a young couple who dreams to escape and share their privacy far away from the world that they are living.
Vainilla Juan Beiro 10 minutes 12A
Life is talking about silly stuff with the people you love.
Sin Tu Latido Maria Posada, & Adrián Iglesias 8 minutes 12A
A taxi driver kidnaps singer Luis Eduardo Aute so that he
sings to his dying wife.
Sophie’s Story CHRISTOS & ALEX HATJOULLIS 6 minutes 15
Sophie's Story was developed from an edited interview with Sophie Morgan; a reformed crack cocaine addict. The film set out to explore addiction from a user's perspective and explore the social and background factors involved in dependency. Sophie's Story uses animation to describe an often disjointed and surreal journey from a background of domestic abuse and troubled adolescence into adulthood and having a family and examines what constitutes the catalyst for change along an incredible life journey.
Animation Britain
Rainbow Party EVA SIGURDARDOTTIR 15 minutes 15
Sofia, who realizes that if you can’t beat them, well then you better join them. In her quest to be accepted by the popular girls in her class, Sofia finds herself sacrificing her true friendships and morals. Whoever said that teenage girls were innocent… well, they were so wrong!
Lucie RAN LI 19 minutes 12A
After a big fight, teenage girl Lucie steals her boyfriend's dearest motorcycle for revenge. She rides out into town but later realizes the journey might be easy to start but hard to end.
Euroman GABRIEL TZAFKA 22 minutes 12A
Euroman is happy. His wealthy father and kind mother are proud of him. The bank loves him. He loves stylish clothes, fancy restaurants and cyber dates. He is running his own business, an innovative, environmental friendly and awarded start-up company. But the coffee is over and the noisy demonstration disturbs him while he is having his beard taken care of by an elegant barber. All these pilling up to a reunion with his friends, the Euromen Spain
She Is Waving From The Train KAMELIYA PETROVA 29 minutes U
Arman travels in ? train with Christine, who is in love with him. To make him jealous she waves from the train to a village man and to a young pointsman. Arman makes her see how her waving radically changed the life of the two strangers.
Drama Bulgaria
Exploring feelings of emptiness, the film is set on a ferry during a night trip. At the bar, Daniel starts a conversation with Amir. But Daniel is not looking to make small talk. He is after something else from Amir, something entirely more personal.
Tandem LEANDRO ALASTUEY 14 minutes 12A
A young couple suffers a hard economic situation. They have spent all their savings and cannot find any job. They incur lots of debts. Their love and hope are the only things that keep them together, but will it be enough?
Just Like You PHILIP W. DA SILVA 26 minutes 12A
The day has arrived - the big operation! What will life be like with only one arm? Tanja runs away from the hospital in a panic, tying her arm to her body with a belt and hiding it under the shirt. She needs to be convinced that nothing will change.
El Lugar Adecuado Fernando Franco & Begoña Arostegui 3 minutes 12
Does life, perhaps, consist in being in the right place at the right time? Could it consist in interpreting and following the signs? Animation Spain
Camera Obscura Gheorghe Preda 120 minutes 18
During comunist era in Romania, the cine-clubs were very actives. A cine-club was a film-club where non-professional filmamakers made short films on 8 or 16 mm in primitive conditions. However many of those films was subversives and provocatives in the conditions of brutal dictatorship. My film is one about resistance and passion for making film in front of insurmountable obstacles (political, social, and especially technical)
Documentary Romania
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