Portobello Pop Up Cinema
3 Acklam Road, W10 5TY

Mutoid Waste Company in Berlin & German Films
6.30pm – 10.30pm
Catalina And the Sun
(Catalina und die Sonne)
Anna Paula Honig, 16 minutes, U
According to Catalina, if you want to see things clearly
you need to close your eyes. The girl wanders across a
vast salt lake under the blazing sun. According to her
grandmother, the lake is made up of the dried tears
of storytellers, for, in order for the sun to shine, a
story must be sacrificed every day to the sun god Tata
Inti. Drama. Germany
Exit Right (Ausstieg Rechts), Rupert Holler & Bernhard Wenger, 7 minutes, 12A
Look away or intervene? When a black man is victim of racial abuse in a packed bus, there is only one passenger who won’t ignore the situation like everyone else. Drama. Germany
On the Beach (Am Strand)
Nele Mueller-Stofen, 19 minutes, 12A
Laura (34) and Clemens (36) spend their holidays at
the sea in Northern Germany. Laura is bored and
invents a game. She pretends to be blind. Over the
course of a few days the couple gets entangled in their
lie, revealing the emptiness of their relationship.
Drama. Germany
Spring (Frühling) Michael Podogil, 4 minutes, U
The daily life of an elderly woman. Accompanied by
opera music playing on the record player, she
prepares to leave her apartment. Drama. Germany
Sisters in Crime (Geschwisterdiebe)
Antoine Dengler, 29 minutes, 15
The story of the two sisters Hanna and lena who are
trying to realise their dream of emigrating. Hanna
seduces rich men, sleeps with them and copies their
house keys. The next day the two sisters then break in
and loot their houses. Drama. Germany
The Last Will (Erledigung einer Sache)
Dustin Loose, 20 minutes, 12A
To fulfil the last will of his mother, the young Jakob
needs to meet his biological father, an inmate of a
forensic psychiatric hospital, committed for murdering
his own brother 25 years ago. Drama. Germany
The Art of Losing (Die Kunst des
Verlierens), David Voss, 30 minutes, 15
Christian Bender is a young and ambitious boxer who
has an upcoming decisive boxing match. At home, he
takes care of his father, who, after a stroke, has
become a complete invalid. Drama. Germany
Boogieman Jan Bonny, 10 minutes, 15
Tired of being despised by his colleagues, a pack of
uncultured and sexist oafs, Mr. Lorenz opposes them
and puts his own evening adventure into shape. Music
Video. Germany
The Treatment (Die Behandlung)
Marvin Meiendresch, 6 minutes, 12A
The story of isolated patient Linus. A rigid routine
consisting of meals, exercise, lulling music, irritating
smoke and examinations by Dr. Frei cause him dread
melancholy. One day the door to his room is left ajar.
What he sees outside makes him question his own
identity. Thriller. Germany
Don’t Shoot Me Mr. Taliban
Benjamin Martins, 7 minutes, 12A
A bearded man with a backpack gets on an airplane
and a beardless man without a backpack simply does
what a man has to do. Drama. Germany
Headstrong Miss M (Eigenwillige Miss M)
Katinka Feistl, 17 minutes, 15
Since Anne, 12, moved in with her father, she
constantly tells wild stories about her pussy. Her father
Andreas slowly despairs, his boss is shocked, the social
worker is crestfallen. As well they might be. Why does
she do this? Youth Drama. Germany
He Was There Again (Er war wieder da),
Florian von Bornstadt, 10 minutes, U
An actress enters the consulting room of a psychoanalyst
and begins to talk about her fears and thoughts.
It starts an analysis of herself, of her existence and her
work. Drama. Germany
Kai Stanicke, 3 minutes, 12A
A tale of being different - and growing up.
Coming Of Age Drama. Germany
Declassified: The Mutoid Waste Files (Uli Happe) 91 mins
World Premiere.
The filmmaker Uli Happe met the Mutoid Waste Company in Berlin in Summer 1989. From that time he filmed with the Mutoids all over Europe until 1994. Documentary.
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