German Films
12 – 11pm
Job (Hiob)
Marco Gadge 20 minutes 12A
Shadows are all Vommissioner Berger sees: the darkness he comes from is to powerful to escape, and years of delivering news of others’ death have made him a cynic. Now his new colleague, Martain Stern, has Berger completely at a loss; even worse, Stern’s young wife Sophie has trustingly turned to him for help. Berger feels himself drowning in all of this intimacy. Job follows the film noir tradition, and aloows audiences to look deeply into the souls of its despairing protagonists.
Drama Germany
Breathe Dodging (Schwarzatmen)
Marcus Hanisch 15 minutes 15
In a futurististic totalitarian state in which all the people are cooped up under a glass come, a man searches for the apparent truth about the outside world and thus fulfills his destiny.
Science Fiction Germany
Robert Lobel, 4 minutes, 12A
“Wind” is a short animation about the daily routine life in a windy country. Wind is an animated short about the daily life of people living in a windy area who seem helplessly exposed to the weather. However, the inhabitants have learned to deal with their difficult living conditions. The wind creates a natural system for living.
Stefan Muller, 10 minutes, 12A,
It could have been a nice Saturday..were it not for a mad cow, a hysteric mother and two ambulance men, who are all good at one thing mainly: Creating chaos. Comedy about a young Berliner in the German Alps, who gets by a series of confusions in a hospital. A surreal nightmare for our hero, who funs from Kafkaesque situations to psychedelic moments.
The Story Of Klaus (Die Geschichte von Klaus)
14 minutes, 12A
Meat was his life and exactly this is what Klaus left piled behind. Klaus is a butcher and on the journey to his personal fortune he discovers the previously unknown succulent appetite. A short film about a man who follows his desire to travel and embarks on a quest to find himself while overlooking the fine print.
Level Of Care (Pflegestufe)
Julia Peters, 20 minutes, 12A
Ruth cares for her mother Hilde who is suffering from dementia. Both women are broke because the care devours every cent. Only the approval of the’ level of care 2’ can still save the two woman. But when the case manager from the medical advisory service comes to evaluate Hilde’s health condition, suddenly the old lady seems not to be sick anymore. Rather Hilde presents herself as a charming, entertaining person with good memory. The new Level of Care is in danger, Ruth more and more under pressure until she loses her self-control.. and with that she degrades not only her mother but rather herself.
Social Drama
Elisa Klement, 14 minutes, 12A
Student teacher Daniela on her first class trip. Arrived in the forest a decision has to be made: What kind of teacher she wants to be?
The Dinner
Dimitris Argyriou, 11 minutes, 15
A couple who seemingly has it all, have a dinner at a luxury restaurant. During the dinner, the man announces to his wife that he wants some changes in his life. But is it still time for changes?
Not Funny!
Katharina Woll, 1 minute, 12A
Homophobia is not funny, everything else is!
Social Sport
Leonardo Re, 10 minutes, 12A
Wasser explores various stages of a man’s apaphy. Unable to see or perceive his wife, he associates her missing with water. To remind himself of her and in an attempt to avoid his more and more self-centric behaviour, he exhibits water-filled jars throughout the apartment.. Based on a true story.
Chaja And Mimi
Eric Esser, 12 minutes, U
Chaja Florentin und Mimi Frons, grow up in Berlin, had to escape to Palestine in 1934. In a cafe in Tel Aviv they reflect about their difficult relationship to Berlin.
Biographical Documentary
Arne Korner, 10 minutes, U
Center of the story is a vinyl pressing plant. It is the biography of a thing, the machine. She told us with every movement and every sound her own story.
Music Documentary
Me Tube: August Sings Carmen Habanera
Daniel Moshel, 4 minutes, 12A
Me Tube, a homage to thousands of ambitious YouTube users and video bloggers, gifted and less gifted self-promoters on the Internet, has attracted international attention. No less than George Bizet’s Habanera from “Carmen” has been reinterpreted for MeTube and enhanced with electronic sounds. Behind the cross-over of musical styles are director Daniel Motel as well as opera and oratorio tenor August Schram.
Music Video
Natalie Plaskura, 11 minutes, 15
The short film Intrusion does not tell a classical story. The main focus lies on the visual design, which has the intention to convey mood. The motives and the associative dramatic composition are reminding of dream sequences, nightmares or hallucinations in which the uncanny and curious are staged.; Unrealistic, seemingly disparate, yet interrelated scenes that poke, like an intrusive recurring traumatic experience, into the mind of the powerless spectator.
Strong Coffee With Vodka
Vladimir Scheiermann, 19 minutes, 12A
Lauie is a waiter in a cafe who gets humorously walked all over by his dictional boss Kanaan and a sadistic customer when small, absurd misunderstandings become the order of the day.
Berlin Troika
Andrej Gontcharov, 10 minutes, 12A
During a stormy night of grave political crisis, an expert interpreter suffers a nervous breakdown. Young diplomat Konrad Gelb is recruited to step in and interpret between the two conflicting superpower leaders, who seem to hold the fate of humanity in their hands - an absurd responsibility, which by extension rests on the shoulders of the young interpreter. He must balance the oversized egos in the room and maneuver the world’s destiny to either peaceful resolution or total annihilation,
With Best Regards (Mit Besten Grüßen)
Bernhard Wenger, 5 minutes, U
Again the admired Mr.Dreamy parks in front of the cafe. And again the shy waitress dosen’t dare to go out and talk to him. But her friend has a crazy idea how she can get to know this guy.
Air Empty Room (Luftleerer Raum),
Bjorn Schurmann, 20 minutes, 15
Hans is thirty. he is from Berlin-Kreuzberg, bike messenger, ex-boyfriend and son. “Air Empty Room“ tells a typical day in his life. He works, meets pals. But actually it is the day of his mother’s funeral, to which he does not participate, and instead tries to escape the truth in supposed ordinariness.
Bahar In Wonderland (Hahar im Wunderland)
, Behrooz Karamizade, 16 minutes, 12A
Where do you hide from danger, when you can’t hide anywhere? The Kurdish girl Bahar believes she has found a way. “Bahar In Wonderland “ is the story of bahar, a little girl, gives the circumstances she is in, is not able to be a child. She is escaping with her father from Syria to Germany. In order to fight her fears and defend herself from danger she believes in being able to get invisible by closing her eyes.
Abbitte Eines Mörders,
Julian Cohn, 22 minutes, 15
One day the young priest enters the confessional, not knowing that this confession is going to change everything. Who’s that strange old man in the neighbour cabin? And why is he telling that story?
At Once (Auf Einmal),
Tatjana Moutchnik, 44 minutes, 15
Betti(24) is toying with the idea of cheating on her boyfriend Sascha(25). Though unspoken, Sasch senses what she is up to. He withdraws himself but is trying to stay close to Betti at the same time. Never the less Betti wants to be selfish and sleep with another man, a wish which is hard to admit to herself.
Romy, I Am Shy (Romy, ich bin krank)
Andreas Grutzner, 15 minutes, 15
Juergen Volimer met the Beatles 1960 in Hamburg music club Kaiserkeller. They hung around together, Vollmer started photographing them and when they met again in Paris, The beatles insisted he get his haircut. Narrow-minded Hamburg in the 50s and 60s made him escape to Paris. he took pictures of beatniks while having sex, moved to New York and L.A.., where he started his career as set photographer on Hollywood filmsets (J.V...”It was awful most of the time”) and took pictures of the stars._A montage of animated sequences interviews and original photos.
The Safest Nuclear Power Station In The World (Erntefaktor Null),
Helena Hufnagel, 28 minutes, U
The safest nuclear power plant woridwide describes the bizarre everyday life of people living and working at the nuclear power plant in Zwentendorf, Austria. Since 1978 the plant has been ready for operation. Shortly before it was set to open, popular vote prevented the start of the plant - it was never put to use until today.
Butterflies − 10 Observations,
Paul Druce, 17 minutes U
A short film about butterflies, life and death − with a human perspective.
Little Red Riding Hood: A Tale Of blood And Death (Rotkäppchen - Eine Erzählung von Blut und Tod)
Florian v. Bornstradt & Martin Czaja, 17 minutes, 15
When Markus realised a filthy girl in front of his house and took it into the flat, his women Annika, quickly realised something must be wrong with her. She dosen’t feel comfortable with the imagination to have her in the flat for the night - and she was right. The girl knows details about the couple she couldn’t and shouldn’t know and starts an unnatural mind game, which goes far beyond rationality and should finally end up bloody
God is The Greatest,
Kai Gero Lenke, 11 minutes, 12A
The film portrays a moment in the life of Syrian civilians during the ongoing Syrian Civil War. After a woman is shot on the street in Aleppo, her son is in a state of shock. While his mother is bleeding to death, a group of rebels arrive to take out the enemy snipers. But who is taking care of this woman? Not until an unknown young man arrives on the scene is there any hope.
War Drama
Benedikt Schatz, 15 minutes, 12A
With all hope lost Ramon first must battle his inner demons before he can face his opponent in the boxing ring. Ramon, a very skilled boxer, finds his first big match to be the chance to start a new life with his sister Isabelle. However, the manager of the boxing studio has other plans and attempts to drive Ramon into a corner.
Sporting Drama
Nose And Mouth (Brüderlein),
Nora Fingscheidt, 47 minutes, 12A
“You really look alike! Especially nose and mouth,” This is all Teresa can say about her half-brother Ruben and her recently deceased father. Without prior notice she is suddenly standing in front of the foreigner’s house, who is living in seclusion on a northern German island and who’s existence she did not know of until lately. Repressing the memory of her bereavement she stumbles into an unfamiliar life among fish sandwiches, yellowed bowling alleys and mysterious brent geese.
Arto Sebastian, 38 minutes, 12A
Stavanger tells the story of the farmer Marta who, after the sudden death of her husband, gets sucked into a mix of sadness, loneliness and suppression. Unable to acknowledge her loss, she is in denial about reality and grasps at the last of what is left of her husband: his lover.
Sylvia Borges, 30 minutes, 15
Carla (mid 20) plunges head first into an “Amour Fou”. When Jacob (mid 40) wants her to come to Paris she leaves everything behind and hitches a ride to the “city of love”. But unfortunately not only Paris also her Rendezvous doesn’t fit into her romantic concept.
Katharina Woll, 19 minutes, 15
Elisabeth is a writer. Since her mother was sent to a nursing home, she lives completely isolated, spending her days writing. One day when Elisabeth takes a stroll through the park, she walks past seventeen year old Malek. When the young boy sees her, he is compelled to follow her home. He comes back to her home - again and again. A trip to his life leads to a rediscovery of herself.
Hermes & Aphrodite,
Gregor Zootzky, 10 minutes, 15
What happens if you have to find out first whether you’re a boy or a girl? The story of a child who begins to discover his true identity in puberty.
Alles super! (Everything's super!)
Ralf Beyerle, 23 minutes, 12A
Things are not going well for Thomas. He doesn’t have a job, his relationship with Anja is in serious trouble and life itself is extremely complicated. Yet he does not give up: Day in, day out, he saves the world as a superhero – whether it wants to be saved or not.
The Phallometer,
Tor Iben, 7 minutes, 15
A refugee is taken into custody at an open border crossing. During the interrogation, he admits to being gay and is subjected to an absurd entry examination, a so called “Phallometric Test”. The story is based on facts.
A Good Story (Eine Gute Geschichte),
Martin-Christopher Bode, 20 minutes, 12A
When Helga Landowsky discovers the broken jug in an antiques store near the German/Polish border, she wants to have it at any cost. But the old lady has reckoned without Jakut Lato. Because the antiquarian doesn’t want to trade his ware for money. In exchange for the jug, he wants Helga to tell him a story. And a story she can tell. It’s an experience from the second world war. A story about pain and loss. And while Helga is still narrating, she and Jakub begin to realise that both their lives are wonderously interwoven. And that they are now, almost 70 years later, telling the story’s last chapter together. Because only this way, the story can finally become good.
Blood Rice And Tears (Blut, Reis Und Tränen)
Johannes Rosenstein, 30 minutes, 15
Tim is 38 and works as a taxi driver, which gives him enough flexibility to take care of his father who suffers fro Alzheimer. Lee, a Chinese student, is 25 and Tim’s boyfriend − although he wants more than occasional sex in Tim’s taxi. The problem is that the father takes all the attention he can get. So Lee urges Tim to take a decision: it’s him or his father, either a relationship or family.
Piet Baumgartner, 19 minutes, 15
To celebrate a deal, Koller’s client sends for some escort ladies. But the manager does not want to equate love with business. He’s had enough of all the cashing. When a sizzling lady joins him at the bar, he almost fails to realize how much they resemble each other in their loneliness and isolation.
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