Urban Group Show
269 Portobello Road

Solo One
Lucy Sparrow
and more...
Featuring some of London’s finest contemporary urban artists
Tuesday 6th September
7th–11th September
(Wed-Sun 12–7pm)
Bar open until midnight
Pure Evil
Pure Evil atWestbourneStudiosTo understand a bit aboutPure Evil it is illuminating toknow that he is a descendantof Sir Thomas More, the LordChancellor who wrote thecontroversial work Utopia and who was laterbeheaded by King Henry VIII. With this busybackground (Sir Thomas was later canonised) it is onlynatural that Pure Evil should explore the darker sideof the wreckage of Utopian dreams and the myth ofthe Apocalypse, a belief in the life-changing event thatbrings history with all its conflicts to an end.Pure Evils ancestry is alleged to include eight saints:Vladimir the Great, Saint Anna of Russia, the HolyMartyrs Boris and Gleb, Saint Stephen of Hungary,Saint Margaret of Scotland and Saint Mathildetogether with Saint Thomas More, Humbert III ofSavoy and several European royal families.He wasalso a descendant of the Old English Chieftain Ailric,Kings Thane to Edward the Confessor, who heldCawthorne and much of South Yorkshire before theConquest.
Lucy Sparrow
has seen the explosion of Lucy Sparrow and herfelt sculpture. With its often surreal and child-likeappearance, it can melt the hearts of even the hardestcynics. Well-known recently for her London TelephoneBox which has been created entirely out of fabric,right down to the embroidered 'tart cards' on theinterior and the 'TOX 07' tag carefully stitched ontothe outside. Lucy has shown her work throughoutNotting Hill, East London and Brighton to name a few.'
For the past 24 years, London artist Zeus has beendrawing inspiration from urban culture to createdynamic, experimental compositions that have redefinedgraffiti art.Captivated by the hip-hop scene of the 80s, he beganexpressing his creative talents on the street when hewas just 14, using walls, trains, and open spaces as hisgalleries.Since then Zeus has continually pushed the boundariesof graffiti artistry, taking the form out of itstraditional setting and into new, exciting and morelegitimate places.His latest works represents an innovative fusion ofgraffiti techniques and typography, fine art andsculpture and reflect both his background on thestreets and his formal training at Chelsea College ofArt.
The Muse
Space for expression without compromise. The gallery hosts exhibitions every three weeks from a programme designed to include resident, emerging and established artists. Selection focuses on content rather than education or experience.
The Muse at 269 Portobello Rd, London, W11 1LR | 020 7792 8588 | themuseat269.com | info@themuseat269.com
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