13 Sept
Spanish films

I Got Something to Tell You
Dir. Ana Torres. 12 cert.
Susana is Pablo's girlfriend but Pablo's just realised
he's gay and he's gone in love of Javi, his best friend
who, at the same time, is going out with Susana. How
are they going to tell each other the truth?
Romance/Comedy. 8 min.
Dir. Irene Zoe Alameda.15 cert.
Margaret is a lonely but also observant girl. Everyday,
she is impacted by numerous uniforming messages
that try to educate her to fulfill a concrete social role.
Nevertheless, Margaret has a little secret. And from
the shelter of her room, she will show us the strength
and the imagination with which she will overcome the
established stereotypes. Drama. 18 min.
Dir. Leonor Bruna. 15 cert. A 17
year old secondary student in Spain during its unrest
in 1975, a couple of months before her death of
Franco, is preparing her exam to study medicine at
University. The choice, as a women, a life beyond the
kitchen and nappies. But Esperanza has not counted
on the fact that, sometime, events cross our path
threatening to change the planned direction. Drama.
17 min. www.elypsefilm.com
Cold Chocolate
Dir. Pedro Loro Avis.12 cert.
After many years together, Ana and Antonio have a
lot of things to say to each other. They are about to
tell the truth but fear stifles their intentions and their
words are drowned in silence. Drama. 5 min.
Dir. Rubén Prieto. 15 cert.
Regeneration. 1. An act or the process of regenerating
the state of being regenerated. 2. Biol. Renewal or
restoration of a body, bodily part, or biological system
after injury or as normal process. Drama. 11 min.
Lifestyle for Men
Dir. Boris Kozlov. 15 cert.
Tired of life? Obsolete ideals? Bored? Wake up, you
only live once! Listen to your inner voice, open your
eyes to change and expand your boundaries. Comedy.
4 min.
Dir. Tony Lopez; David Sanz. 12 cert.
Nazán, in a low personal moment, finds Irene in a
crowed disco. Knowing that he's just one chance, he'll
try to convince Irene that their fates are linked in a
near future. Fantastic. 23 min.
The Hollow Man’s Tragedy
Dir. Jorge de Guillae. 12 cert.
Gonzalo is a man with a clear and intense look, his
wide chin presents us a kind and pacific man, with a
great heart... Here is the contradiction, Gonzalo has
no heart. Fiction. 17 min. www.promofest.org
The Astronaut on the Roof
Dir. Sergi Portabella. 12 cert.
A comical road movie about 2 scriptwriters who write
a film about a teenage couple who became bank
robbers. A film about the struggle of writing a movie.
Fiction. 12 min. www.promofest.org

Bloody Dreams
Dir. Pablo Navarro-Rubio. 12 cert.
All his life Benjamin has wanted, above all else, to
become a vampire. However, the life of a vampire in
reality is not the way it is portrayed in the movies.
Comedy. 17 min. www.promocionecam.wiki.zoho.com
My Girlfriend’s Family
Dir. Guillermo Chapa. 15 cert.
Manu faces the hardest test of his life: to meet his
girlfriend's family. Comedy. 12 min.
The Washing Machine
12 cert.
Dir. Ana Aurora Rodríguez; Andrea Correa Quiroz.
A space-time hole. A girl who dreams of giving her
heart away. A boy who prefers washing by hand. A
centrifuge of emotions: the washing machine. 14 min.
The Last Sequence
Dir. Arturo Ruiz-Serrano. 12 cert.
In the late 60s, a Spanish-Italian co-production is
being filmed. The lack of resources and the poor
communication among the crew are on the verge of
ruining the film. Fiction. 14 min.
Dir. Emilio Martí. 12 cert.
A cartoon character goes to therapy because he feels
rejected in a "live-action" world that dislikes those who
are different. Animation. 7 min. www.ivac.gva.es
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