02 Sept

Breaking Into The Museum
Dir: 14 Young People. U cert.
14 Young people from North
Kensington produced their own short inspired by an
object in the Museum Of London. Documentary.
20 mins. www.manifesta.org.uk
Kensington and Chelsea College present:
Hard To Get From Patient To Pin Up
Dir Michelle Hallak 15 cert
Actress, mother and cancer survivor Michelle's story of
how after defeating cancer she went on to produce a
pinup style calender in aid of Macmillan by renowned
photographer Mike Owen. Documentary 20 mins
The King is Dead
Dir. Ishmahil Blagrove. 15 cert.
Frank Chichlow one of the
important figures of race politics in Notting Hill died in
2010. He has given a traditional Ladbroke Grove
funeral befitting of his great contributions to the area.
Documentary. 20 minwww.ricenpeas.com
Portobello Road
Dir. Verona Spence. 12 cert.
Documentary focusing the stories and the opinions of
the residents of Portobello. Highlighting the impact of
the recent economical and social changes in the area.
Documentary. 39 mins. www.longbelly.co.uk
Market Stalls
Dir: Flora Menzies Cert U
A documentary about market stall holders in London
Documentary 5 mins

Michael Horovitz….live poetry reading
and introduces new film by Colin Still.
In 2004 I launched the William Blake Klezmatrix
band, featuring Peter Lemer on piano, Madeline
Solomon's flute, Annie Whitehead's trombone &
vocals, and my readings, songs, jazzpoems &
anglosaxophone. We play original compositions,
spontaneous improvisations, multiple variations of the
biblical, folk, blues, jazz, rock and klezmer grooves, &
our settings of William Blake's songs & prophecies –
for example, performing The Tyger as a calypso. Last
April we toured Belgium, and Colin Still, whose Optic
Nerve outfit has produced films (available on dvd) of
Allen Ginsberg, Robert Creeley, Michael McClure et al),
followed us around, resulting in some revealing
footage of WBK rehearsals and performances. I will be
introducing and commenting on clips, performing a
couple of numbers, and taking Q&A tonight. –
Michael Horovitz

Golborne Variations
Originally recorded in 2010 by JC Carroll, Nick Cash,
Guy Pratt, Nigel Bennett, jennifer Pearl, David M.
Allen and Chester Kamen. The Golborne Variations is
an Opera about the Sights Sounds Smells Shopkeepers
and foods of Golborne Road.
It celebrates the ethnic diversity and the unique
character of a special road in North Kensington. This
premiere Will hope to bring together most of the
original Players plus Special Guest Opera Singers
String Section Percusssionists. Its free... Its an opening
party for the Portobello Film festival... JC Carroll is a
Composer and Songwriter whose career has spanned
Punk, Folk, and Electronic Music. he has scored
soundtracks for movies had hits all over the world with
his band The Members and he has also
recorded supermarket commercials... This piece of
music has taken 25 years to complete.. there will be
music dancing singing and poetry...Come! Its Free!

Mangrove 9
Dir. John La Rose; Franco Rosso. 15 cert.
About the trial that arouse from a demonstration to
protest against police harassment of the Mangrove
Restaurant in Notting Hill in the early 70s.
Documentary. 40 min.
Dir. Patricia Vidal Delgado. 12 cert.
A visual exploration of the aesthestic of desire and
decay. Art. 5 min. www.pvdelgado.com
Neolithic Assemblage
Dir. Carolyn Hailstones. PG cert.
An Art/photographic project developed from photos of
a Neolithic burial chamber in Ireland. The engravings
on the keystones are enigmatic and open to interpretation.
Art. 5 min.
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