17 Sept
Afro Goblin And Chums The
Thomas Crook 7 minutes
A scret agent spoof starring a seven foot tall Austrian
action-hero bull and a skinny, self assured snappily
dressed English goblin playboy. It’s “dangermouse”
the 21st century. Animation. Britain
Hand Of God
Rune Eriksson & Erik
Eriksson 2 minutes U
Forget about the seven days of creation this is gods
proudest moment ever. Animation. Norway
Stand Up Comedy On Mars
Rune Eriksson & Erik
Eriksson 1 minute 12A
We don’t know much about life on mars, but one thing
is for sure, the stand up comedy scene is not
impressive. Animation. Norway
Cheesemen The Movie
Thomas Crook 3 minutes
A high octane thriller starring cheese! Cheese has
never been this exciting before! Animation. Britain
Trash Shorts Episode 3: The Saga
Dave Zani 9 mins 12
The evil Kaiser Klink van Rumplelurk and his
Rumplelurk Empire has taken control of the all the
shipping lanes and cut off the ability for cities to
support themselves... Animation. USA
The Marriage Of The Thames
And The Rhine Epoch Beech
5 mins U
A hand drawn animation depicting the historical and
geographical relationship between the Thames and the
Rhine rivers through the eyes of a seal and a flying
horse. Animation. London
Elly Bounan 3 minutes
A girl enlivens her diorama by introducing a fly.
Animation. Holland
The Labyrinth Runner
Robbie Cornelissen 11
minutes U
A young runner’s metabolism is translated into an
erratic trip that makes its way through drawings of
departure halls, stations, storage rooms, corridors and
baths. Animation. Holland
Andre Bergs 5 minutes
A man is witness to a murder and takes pictures of the
killer, he has to run for his life. Animation. Holland
Red End And The Seemingly
Symbiotic Society
Robin Noorda & Bethany
de Forest 15 mins 12
Ant Red-end differs from the rest and tries an
experiment... Animation. Holland
Roelof van den Bergh 5
minutes 12
Try to keep your plates in the air! Animation. Holland
A Final Thought
John Wheeler 15 minutes
Experimental animation piece, in which a hospitalized
woman escapes from her confined bed and into her
subconscious where dreams, beliefs and reality meet.
Animation. Britain
Thoroughly Modern Millie
selected and introduced by
Andrew Logan
Fabulous; Funny; Educational;
Sad; Beautiful; Joyous; Hooray; What more do
you want from a film?
Andrew Logan belongs to a unique school of
English eccentrics. One of Britain's principal
sculptural artists, he challenges convention,
mixes media and plays with our artistic values.
Since its beginnings, Logan's work has
depended on the inventive use of whatever was
to hand. With flair and fantasy he transformed
real objects into their new and different
versions. His artistic world includes fauna, flora,
planets and gods. His love of travel provides
the bases for several series of
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