11 September

The Other Side Of Immigration
Roy Germano 55 minutes
Based on the director’s interviews with over 700
families in rural Mexico, the other side of immigration
asks why so many Mexicans come to the USA illegally
and what happens to the families and communities
they leave behind. Documentary. USA
“Life Under Occupation”
Testimonies From An
Occupied land
Frank Barat 26 minutes U
This documentary tells the story of people living under
occupation (Naslu, Palestine). Internationals and
Palestinians testify. What is possible in the near
future? How to reach peace with the Israelis?
Documentary. London
To Gaza With Love
Aki Nawaz (Fun - Da
- Mental) 70 minutes 15
To be introduced by Yvonne Ridley.
This is the story of Yvonne Ridley and some forty
campaigners from twelve different countries who went
on board two boats in the summer of 2008 in order to
break the siege of Gaza for the first time in 40 years.
Drama - courage and everything in between.
Documentary. London
Spirit Of Humanity
Ishmahil Blagrove 9
Smuggled out of Israel. This documentary captures the
Israeli Navy threatening to open fire on a boat
containing human rights activists. It dramatically
shows the moment Israeli special forces illegally storm
the boat arrest the occupants and confiscate the cargo
of medicines and toys destined for the besieged people
of Gaza. Documentary. London

Eyas Salman 18 minutes
Noor is unemployed and lives alone with his bitter and
oppressive father… Drama. Palestine
Georgina Asfour 13 minutes
Marcelle is from a Palestinian Christian family and
neighbour Sami from a Muslim one. They live in the
narrow alleys of the occupied Old City of Jerusalem.
Adolescents, they exchange looks across the tension
around them, in a world full of violence, drugs and
hypocrisy, until an unexpected turn of events brings
them together… Drama. Palestine
Razi Najjar 16 minutes
Kheir and Saado are old bohemian friends who live in
occupied Old Acre. One is a singer and the other a
fruit and vegetable merchant who roams the town on
his horse Mercedes selling his grandmother’s famous
pickles. Then one day the police accuse him of stealing
an antique gun and a whole series of comic situations
lead to a surprising ending… Drama. Palestine
When Walls Speak
May Odeh 15 minutes
In my childhood in Palestine, walls and what was
written on them were my daily newspaper…but the
years have passed, the situation has changed, as have
our dreams. So what has happened to my walls?
Documentary. Palestine
Palestine, The Besieged
Helena Sala & Manuel
Atman 50 minutes 12
More than 30 men and women of different ages and
different territories of historical Palestine, explain
the occupation affects their daily life and think about
their uncertain future. the refugees, the wall, the
colonies, the attacks or the situation in Gaza Strip
some of the epigraphs of this story that explains what
others silence. Documentary. Spain
to schedule