9 September
London Film Makers Convention

Every evening for 3 nights
in both the cinema and the bar at Westbourne Studios.
A unique opportunity to see the best in contemporary London
film making. A chance for film makers and the public to
meet up and plot the future of British film.
Justine Gordon-Smith 48 minutes 12A
A revealing urban portrait of a local park and the rich
assortment of characters who spend time there or just
pass through. Made over 5 years, this documentary
gains the trust of its subjects and offers a unique
insight into one of London's lesser known green
spaces. Documentary. London
Adam Harding 8 minutes
How does a girl guarantee a guy will agree to meet
her again? Borrow his camera! A “meet-cute”
Southampton water. Drama. Britain
Andy Marsh 13 minutes
Lucy, Noirville’s only inhabitant, takes a mysterious
journey through the night in an attempt to cure her
loneliness, in this dark, surreal tale. Drama. Britain
The Traveller / Siubhlachan
Uisdean Murray 6 minutes
A poignant tale about a young girl, Seonag, who
travels back in time to visit her recently deceased
granfather. Sc-Fi Drama. Britain
Keep Comin’ On
Softwhere 5 minutes U
Surreal music video for the track’ keep comin’
on’ by
UK band softwhere. A strange, uplifting (sometimes
beautiful) dark dream or fantasy featuring a freak in
his studio fighting time and the latest canvas, with
respect to rumblefish. Music Videos. Britain
Ed Edwards 3 minutes U
A young man discovers the mask of a dog lying
discarded in the street. He puts it on and becomes a
dog for the day. Drama. London
Ant & Len
Duncan Raitt & Jon
Marsh 2 minutes 15
An unfortunate foot gnawing incident leaves Len in a
sticky situation. Can Ant find a way to rescue his
mischievous friend? Animation. Britain
The Storymaker
Emma Rozanski 12 minutes
A dark fable about a woman who kills herself with her
imagination. Drama. London
Daniel Gonzalez 8 minutes
The story of Lloyd, a young man who has nightmares
and can’t sleep. He dreams with a woman who
harasses him. At the end he finds out that the woman
in his dreams wants to finally take over his body.
Drama, London
Clamp And Grind
Prasanna Puwanarajah 8
minutes 12
A homemade wheel clamp super hero attempts to cut
it in a cape. Comedy. London
Junk Food
Gavin O’ Grady 3
minutes 12A
An unsuspecting man arrives in a quiet wood to dump
his rubbish but he gets a lot more than he bargained
for. Comedy Horror. London
Section 44
Daniel Wilson 5 minutes
Who would you rat out? Comedy. London

Team Sleep
/ Foireann Codladh
Danann Breathnach 15 minutes 12A
A darkly comic tale of a successful businessman who
swaps the city’s hectic pace for a picturesque cottage
a sleepy village. It’s the perfect location; quiet,
beautiful and there’s even a cute church across
road from him. However, the quiet doesn’t last long
the man fights to retain his sanity against all odds.
Drama. Ireland/London
The Extra Mile
Stuart Parkins 6 minutes
A teacher takes his class on a journey across the city
to find a green oasis. On the way the teacher teaches
the class to always do their best through tails of his
footballing glory. Drama. London
20 Buses
Stuart Parkins 10 minutes
20 buses follows the relationship of a couple who
meet at a bus stop. Over several day James notices
Erica and tries to find the courage to ask her out.
Comedy. London
Me My Head Tumbling Down
Samantha Chamberlaine
4 minutes 12
A tale of two lovers in their search for each other, soul
mate, the randomness and impossibility of it all as
they try to complete themselves on their journey.
Music Videos. London
Adam McAlavey 10 minutes
Redman is set in a strange twilight world following
ambiguous narratives without the use of sound. The
film is made entirely of grainy, black and white
images that conjure on the other worldly feel in this
journey to the deep unconscious. Art. London
Jewish Chronicle Day
Jan Lower 10 minutes 12
Find hundreds of pounds in cash on the street - what
would you do? Hand it in to the police? If you’re
teenage African boy with a blind, catholic mother -
you do! A quirky inside view of a major teenage
event, shared with good friends, observed by strange
adults. Drama. London
Joanne Priest 10 minutes
‘Release’ is the story of a woman who is able
to let go
of a past that has haunted her with the help of a little
girl. Drama. London
Tobias Tobbell & Paul
Cope 5 minutes 12
...because your imagination is always better than your
life. Comedy. London
Jack Delaney 20 minutes
A Romeo and Juliet love story hewn with a broken
bottle. Drama. London
George Belfield 13 minutes
A credit crunch comedy about the perils of plastic cash.
A young man’s attempts to save for a trip of a lifetime
draws the attention of his unscrupulous bank. Comedy.
Memories Of Her
Ben Hemming 7 minutes
Drama. London
10pm Hammerhead
Sam Donavan 14 minutes 12
Oddball Boris tries to reunite his parents on a short
spoking trip off the North Yorkshire coast. Only his
biggest enemy is a bug for the ride... his mother’s
girlfriend, Lilah. Comedy. London
BJ Balogun 21 minutes
On the streets of South West London, Communication
can be the difference between understanding and
misunderstanding. At the same time it can also be
difference between life and death. All around you are
the sounds of voices, speaking, shouting, talking,
whispering. Some are there for positive calm, whilst
some are there to create negative havoc. But on the
streets amongst our youth the negative voices seem to
ring loud, why is this? And how much information can
we get out? To prevent teen murders that are spiraling
out of control in our city. In this gripping story you
see that you cannot underestimate the power of
Communication. Drama. London
Broken Doll House
BJ Balogun 13 minutes
Is it fate that brings us together? And if so can we
control what happens to ourselves when it does. Are
people really the people they say they are? Or are
they just people brought to us by circumstance. Can
we trust them? What ever the situation, sometimes
you really don’t know who your neighbours or
colleagues really are, but what if you had to live with
them? What happens then? Drama. London
Tobias Tobbell 4 minutes
Stylish music promo for ‘Hotel De Ville’ shot
against green screen with a background set built from
photos taken in France. Music Videos. London

Ash Bhalia 4 minutes 12A
Alessia, a female connected to her emotional world
and its power reacts violently when the very rhythm
of her life is agitated. Drama. London
Ash Bhalla 12 minutes
Akash Goswarmi lives with his mother, father,
grandmother and five sisters in rural India. The people
of his village believe that Akash has the ability to
invoke the goddess Dvrga. Documentary. London
Ain’t Got No Body
12 Foot 6 5 minutes U
A man with no body but one hell of a voice sings the
song of his life when a band of shadowy characters.
Animation. London
Brothers Keeper
Nicholai La Barrie 10
minutes 15
South London. Two childhood friends, a reign of terror
on the local estates. When Malcolm is robbed and
beaten it’s time to make a decision, rob or be robbed.
Malcolm wants out, Martin wants in. A story of
commitment and sacrifice that grips two friends, two
brothers, and ask ‘is it all worth it in the end?’
Nicholai La Barrie 4 minutes
A lament of loneliness set against the beating heart of
the River Thames, in the fading light of day. One
woman watches the ghost of the city echo her fears
and reveal her inability to make any real human
connection. Drama. London
Poles Apart
Sarah Karen Murphy 1 minute
The setting sun plays with our eyes, as words appear,
as whispers do, bits and pieces, a syllable here and
there. Harmonica establishes itself; a foot tapping jive.
The viewer is visually ‘poles apart’ from
any narrative
suggestion, yet within the sound the poem reveals
itself - a puzzle solved. Animation. London
Mathy Tremewan & Fran
Broadhurst 3 mins 12
Summer months in the seaside village of Perranporth
bring with them parades - of life, dearth, leisure and
commerce. A constant procession across sand, sea and
pavement. Documentary. London
Nine Nights
Ishmahil Blaggrove 13
minutes 12A
Cultural death ritual that dates back to slavery. (Set
Jamaica). Documentary. London
Who Is Lourie Leprince
Katrina Yau & Charkae
Reynolds 8 minutes U
Conspiracy documentary.Lourie Aime Augustin
Leprince, born in 1842, and mysterious dissappeared
on 16th September 1890 whilst boarding a train to
promote the first invention, the moving picture
camera. Coincidently Thomas Edison was about to
promote his. The film shows the conspiracy behind Le
Prince disappearance and if Edision would go far
enough to be involved with his disappearance.
Documentary. London
The Gamble
Murat Tuncer 11 minutes
A short story of a man who arrives to Marseilles
looking for a place to rent. Having find nothing, a
young lady proposes a dwelling in a tiny box-sized
storage in the kitchen. He settles in and devises a plan
to change his position in house. Drama. London
Man And TV
Murat Tuncer 17 minutes
An experimental film consisting of 7 short clips of a
man interacting with a tv. The aiming being to bore
the audience to stop watching and walk out. Art.
Dirty Money
Andy Frith 40 minutes
This film is about a £50 note that travels through
group of people. Some will say that these people are
responsible for the state of Britain today, some will
say they are perfectly normal people trying to survive
this corrupt system... you decide? Drama. London
Magot - The Dry Harvest
Ferreira Bucek 21 minutes
Life is long and Magot’s still alive. He strives
to feed
his additions while he moves methodically through the
meaningless routine of his solitary life. A daily task
reveals the lights of a ceremonious and dry harvest.
Drama. London
The Promise
Chris Forrest & Zaia
Ramtani 15 minutes 12A
Robbie Marriot studies for an exam at home until a
knock on the door from a forgotten friend, turns his
evening upside down. Drama. London
Robert Reina 15 minutes
An intimate and moving tale of the fragility of life.
man goes about his day not realising his girlfriend has
been involved in a freak accident. Drama. London

Ben Annesley 15 minutes
Is this a look into one man’s lonely decline into
paranoid psychoprenia? Drama. London
Humble Lust
Caroline Sherrard &
Thom Allen 3 minutes U
Following an argument on Lambeth Bridge, Thiago
gives the girl a letter which leads her to an
unexpected place. The story is inter cut with shots of
hip-hop/funk duo Thiago and Fidel performing their
debut music promo. Music Videos. London
Dead Dog
Thom Allen & Caroline
Sherrard 7 minutes 12
Inspired by an urban legend about a dead dog in a
suitcase, dead dog is an action - packed short with an
ending not even the narrator expects. No animals
were harmed during the making of this film. Drama.
To Be Confirmed
Yehan Jehan 13 minutes
In the distant future. A suitcase holding newfound
elements, giving extraordinary abilities to human is
kept secret, the fight for power begins, as the dark
age draws to a close. Sc-Fi Drama. London
Jeff Nottingham &
Stuart Mcturk 20 minutes 15
Set entirely to music, Headbox is the story of a
teenager whose father becomes obsessed with taking
a daily photo of him, documenting his life. the son
decides to move away to university, his father reveals
his creation: a headbox, a portable photobooth
for his son to use every day. Drama. London
to schedule