6 September

Curitiba - It’s Possible
Joerg Pibal & Paul Romauch 45 minutes U
Curitiba, the capital of the state of Parana and
metropolis of south - eastern Brazil, is considered to
be an outstanding example of sustainable urban
planning and living. This documentary takes a look at
the “Curitiba Phenomenon”, and tries to offer
insight into its alternative approach to problemsolving.
Documentary. Austria
Apron Outside
(Woman Inside)
Claudia Brenlla 17 minutes U
For Austrian artist, Petra Buchegger, Galicia is “El
Dorado” of aprons. She refers to the piece of clothing
(usually the checked ones), that different woman from
different parts of the world wear as working clothes.
This, documentary deals with these women who use
that garment and with those who don’t, the nexus
existing among them all and the apron itself as a
symbol. Documentary. Spain
Daniel Butterworth 10
minutes 12A
One of Germany’s first sperm donor children writes
letters to emote it’s emotions. Anna Wagner is already
28 when she is told that her father isn’t her biological
father. Since that day Anna has begun to write letters
to the man she called “father” for the last
30 years.
An experimental documentary about what life turns
into when the meaning of this little word “family”
suddenly changed. Documentary. Germany
Zoo Tito
Ante Kustre 63 minutes
A love story with dancing, singing and crying. It is
made of ten parts. From one side Tito is object of
adoration and love, while from the other side is object
of hatred and despise. There is no middle - Tito is love
or hate. Jozo Radovanovich represents the part of the
population who hate Tito. In 1991, he knocked down
a big iron construction of Tito on Marjan (Split), while
other persons are steady and unshaken Titoists.
Documentary. Croatia
I Voted Today
Ali Alvarez 24 minutes
12A I voted today takes place in
Cleveland, Ohio on U.S. election day. It’s the story
of one man who volunteered to drive a voter Taxi and help
people to the polls. Documentary. London
His Small Big World
Zuzanna Kowalska 9 minutes
This is a story of an incredibly fit and active 76-yearold
man called Rajmund, a watchmaker in a small
Polish town, who has his own formula for a happy life.
Although he now lives in his own tiny world
surrounded by hundreds of clocks, it’s soon revealed
that Rajmund has traveled the wider world and has
more life experiences than anyone would imagine
Documentary. London
Stories From The Block
Myrna Shoa 3 minutes U
Life in a Tower Block and how the green family
through the love of Chris their mother, still retain a
sense of community, and care for each other. Wise,
warm and optimistic in London’s W9. Documentary.
Joe Cottrell-Boyce 17
minutes 12A
‘Glue’ explores solvent addiction amongst
street children. Co-produced with former streetchildren.
Winner of Belgium Sony Prize @ Tribeca
Film Festival ‘09”. Documentary. London

Nymr Stream Spring Gala 09
Nick Fletcher 10 minutes U
A video showing a day at the North Yorkshire Moors
Railway stream spring gala - features the new Ai Loco
- Tornado. Documentary. Britain
Surviving History
Jesse Qvinories &
Daniel Qvinories 28 mins 12A
Six Lithuanian Jews relive the horrifying memories of
their time in the Holocaust and the inspirational ways
in which they managed to survive. Documentary.
The Homeless Club
Claudia Brenlla 55 minutes
Pituba: an elite neighbourhood in Salvador de Bahia,
Brazil. Along the sea front of the city, before reaching
the famous Itapua beach, the Club Portuguese
premises draw our attention. It’s a sport complex
its main building surrounded by swimming pools,
tennis courts, a football pitch and other facilities.
condition of the premises is pitiful: boards and canvas
spread all over the grass coming out in between the
tiles, the dirty water of the pools, and all you can see
has been reused according to its current dwellers’
needs: 85 families that belong to the Salvador
homeless movement (MSTS). Documentary. Spain

Duke Vin And The Birth Of
Gus Berger 49 minutes 12
Duke Vin and Count Suckle arrived in the UK in 1954
and Duke Vin would soon set up the first sound system
in the UK. They brought with them a sound that was
sweeping across Jamaica and would later change the
face of music in the UK. This was the sound of Ska!
Music Documentaries. Australia
Finding Home
Christopher Daley 25 minutes
A 1st Sergeant in the US Marine Corps, is nearing
retirement after 19 years of active duty, which
included three tours of Iraq. He returns to his
hometown, stopping to visit family and reflect upon
his troubled youth and broken marriage along the
way. Slowly, the effects of the war come to the
surface. Documentary. Belgium

A half hour Q&A from
Julie’s Bicycle on carbon
auditing – introduced by
Alison Tickell & Catherine
Responding to climate
change. Personal and
professional approaches when the forecast is
bleak. Julie’s Bicycle is a not-for-profit company
established in 2007 to unite, lead and support
the UK music industry in tackling climate
change. We have brought together a coalition
of scientific experts and senior figures across
the industry to map the industry’s carbon
footprint and take practical steps to reduce it.
Blue Gold: World Water Wars
(Sam Bozzo) 90 minutes
Sounds the same sweeping alarms as
Inconvenient Truth, only about our dwindling
water supplies. Narrated by Malcolm McDowell,
produced by the producer of Walkabout and
Man Who Fell To Earth. Documentary. Canada
House Of Numbers
Brent W. Leung 87 minutes
In House Of Numbers, an AIDS film like no other, the
HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film
to present the uncensored pov’s of virtually all
major players; in their own setting, in their own
words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional
wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based.
Documentary. USA
Reston Griffiths 47 minutes
Naked and honest, Bipolar is a raw and personal
documentation of film maker Reston Griffiths’ descent
into the depths of bipolar disorder, seen through his
eyes. Viewers are swept inside Reston’s world, via
lens, as he climbs from crippling depression into a
heightened state of mania. We are offered a rare
glimpse into the internal state of an artist grappling
on the edge of sanity. Documentary. New Zealand
to schedule