5 Sept
The Tabernacle
When Mumble is born into a colony of Emperor
penguins, he finds himself unable to be accepted by all
other penguins, lacking the ability to sing a heartsong.
He does however have a talent for tap dance which is
derided by his peers and scorned by the penguin elders
as displeasing to their deity. After being virtually outcast
by his colony he goes in search of the humans in an
attempt to reason and communicate with them. Directed
by George Miller.

Portobello Film Festival in association with the Royal
Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Early Years Service,
presents six days of free family film screenings at The
Tabernacle, Powis Square, W11 2AY and the AM Qattan Centre,
Tower House, 226 Cromwell Road, SW5 0SW.
The Early Years Service
of Kensington and Chelsea has a strong commitment to improve
experiences and learning opportunities for young people
and their families. The Portobello Film Festival offers
an exciting range of films this Summer that will be accessible
to communities in the North and the South of the borough.
The intention is to encourage families to share the enjoyment
of watching a films together and make it a social event
in everyone’s calendar.

Write a short poem about
the family film you saw and send it by 23 September, with
your name and address, to: PFF, Acava, 54 Blechynden St,
W10 6RJ or pff@btopenworld.com. Our 5 favourite poems
will each win a £50 Waterstone’s Book Token
Children must be accompanied
by an adult. Please note Tabernacle shows start at 10am
& the Mosaic Rooms shows start at 2pm
to schedule