Westbourne Studios

The Clay Wall
Duncan marceuiss 12mins
A stylized horror film about a young man’s desire
escape himself. Bored by provincial life he concocts a
hall of inogenic ointment that causes visions of lycan
thropy and tendersexual violence. The film draws on
adolescent rites of passage and the history of
witchcraft in rural Scotland. Horror, Britain
Alex Masterton 15mins 15
Frustrated with competing against DVD priracy, the
owner of a small video store decides to fight back and
save his ailing business. Comedy Horror, London
Extreme Me
Matthew Blayney 23mins
The film opens with a self absorbed youth who is
living in his own world, alone except for his music.
When his neighbour knocks on the door requesting he
turn down the music, a chain of events unfolds in
which the main character is revealed as someone who
knows no morale boundaries. Comedy Horror, Ireland
Bad Juju
Matt Compton 10mins 15
A seance held by a journalist and her friends in the
name of research unexpectedly succeeds and soon the
group learn that it isn’t just children who shouldn’t
play with dead things. Horror, London
Bloody Country
Ryan West 23mins 18
Zombies have been legally integrated into society.
Bloody Country documents a zombie called David, and
his battle to become a model citizen in an adapting
country. Extreme bad taste, but funny. Comedy Horror,
Creeping Thirst
David Pope 9mins 18
Two brothers are lured back to two sexy girls
apartment. Once there, things don’t quite go according
to plan. Comedy Horror, Britain
Gasoline Blood David
Pope 9mins 15
Three youngsters find a disused warehouse in the
middle of nowhere. They soon find themselves facing
mad zombies in-breds. Comedy Horror, Britain
Space Comber
Harriet Macdonald 3mins
Sometime in the near future people move from planet
to planet as easily as moving neighbourhoods. the
abandoned planets are destroyed by demolition crews
while space combers race to collect the memories left
behind. Sc-Fi Drama, Australia
The Brain Of Dr Strom
Kevin Maynard 10mins 15
The mad scientist, Dr Storm, is visited by a curious
dream which show’s him the error of his lunatic
Will he be able to halt his fiendish plan, or is the
undead monster in the smart tweed suit destined to
walk once more? Horror, Britain
Fivemins To “Five
David Lumsden 5mins 15
This is the story of one man’s schizophrenic journey
into the creation of power as he finds and molds his
own personal army of five soldiers. we join him as he
finds his victim and follows the five steps that make
up the first phase of his scheme. This is the account
soldier one; phase one. Horror, Britain
Small Pond
Matt Compton 7mins 15
Rat lives life like his namesake, doing whatever it
takes to survive, whether this is burglary, drug-dealing
or mugging. When he steals a briefcase from a
mysterious well-dressed stranger he learns that there
are worse things than him roaming the city, much
worse. Horror, London
Day Beautiful
Harriet Macdonald 5mins
A man wakes up one morning realising he’s made a
terrible mistake - but does time stop for no man? He
realises that this day beautiful is not what it seems.
Sc-Fi Drama, Australia
James Eaves 105mins 18
Katherine awakes in an underground cell with three
other women; Jane, Natasha and Elaine. With
complete amnesia, Kathrine and the other women
have little time to wonder where they are before the
arrival of the sadistic Dr Murdoch and the mysterious
Handsome man. The women soon discover they are
part of a gruesome experiment with no obvious
purpose. Horror, Britain
A Nocturne
Bill Mousoulis 70mins 18
A moody, minimal, murical, philosophical vampire
film. Horror, Australia
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