Westbourne Studios

Above Average
Adrienne Harris 37mins
A story about best friends, family, relationships, cute
older boys, crushes and choices. A community film
mentor project with middle and high school youth.
Drama, USA
Welcome To England
Middle Row School 4mins
A film made by 10 & 11 year old from Middle Row
School. The film centres on an intergenerational
project with older Afro Caribbean from the London
Pepper Pot. Documentary, London
Plan B
Murdo Barker-Mill &
Horace Page 13mins12Two boys,
who are arch enemies, have an ongoing conflict over
territory, with amusing results. A film made by two
twelve year olds. Comedy, London
Eliza Schroeder
11mins U
M atilda tells a about an 11-year old girl who doesn’t
want to speak anymore after her father left the
family. Matilda’s mother and friends try to cheer
up, without success. The day her old friend, Alberto
appears, Matilda’s life changes. He brings light
hope into her life again. Drama, London,
6 & Out Sarmad
Masud 17mins U
A comedy drama set one day in summer. a group of
friends meet up daily to play cricket with a difference
on the driveway. a day out and about playing with
your mates used to be a day well spent.... Summer
Holidays rule! Comedy, Britain
Jonah’s Quids
Adam Watkins 13mins
Jonah is 13 years old, £50 rich and ready to impress.
Drama, London
A Day In The life Of A Pick-Up
Artist Oliver Hinkson
9mins 12AThis comedy
follows the meticulous preparations of three guys as
they get ready to spend the night spitting game and
getting girls numbers. watch and learn as these
experts raise picking up girls to an art form. Women
are their game but numbers are their aim. Drama,
Mohammed Essad 4mins U
At the age of 13 Daniel made a life-changing decision
that will affect him forever. Challenging our
assumptions, this intimate film follows Daniel’s
journey. Documentary, London
Karma Myron
Taylor 5mins 12
This compelling and dramatic film comes with a strong
message: do the right thing. As two lives come
together momentarily, we learn how decisions made in
a split-second can affect you for the rest of your life
however long that life might be. Drama, London
Know Your Endz
Adenan Nasri 4mins 12A
“You come into my endz, you respect it”.
A gritty short
film revealing the growing phenomenon of post code
wars. Documentary, London
No Fixed Abode
Jake Reynolds 6mins
This short film gives voice to the rarely-heard opinions
of the man on the street - the homeless man on the
street. Documentary, London
The Gambler
Ade Edu 3mins 12
“It started off small and it’s because I
was big”, so
says Tom, the subject of this cautionary tale. We all
know the dangers of drug and alcohol addiction, but
this reveals the secret world of another addiction that
has a stranglehold on teenagers. Drama, London
The Nicest Lil Thing
Tom Owen 8mins 12
Forget the fancy kitchens and a certain Naked Chief.
This is a cooking show that connects with true urban
life. An inspirational film that will make you want
grab a pan and start cooking! Comedy, London
Jamaican Muslima
Myrna Kennedy 7mins
“It’s always about Moslem men, it’s
about time
Moslem women had their say”, so says the maker
this autobiographical film that sets out to challenge
our ideas of what life is like for a young Moslem
woman growing up in inner city London. Documentary,
Too Late
Karinah Turner 3mins 12A
Violence isn’t always a deliberate act. This short
explores the consequences of one small thoughtless
action that rapidly spins out of control. Using a series
of flashbacks, this drama shows how nothing can
become something and before you know it, it’s
late. Drama, London
London’s New Equilibrium
Michael kalopedis 5mins
Exploring multiculturalism through the eyes of
children. Documentary, London
Centenary Michael
Onder 10mins U
At the beginning of the 20th Century a mischievous
boy gets hold of a magical stopwatch that catapults
him into a time defying adventure. This short film was
part of the centenary celebrations of the Tooting Bec
Lido. Drama, London
Vicki Psarias 15mins U
It’s 1968 & 14 year old Chrystalla arrives
in London to
meet her father after 4 years apart, only to find he’s
not the man he seems to be... Drama, London
Now You See me, Now You
Don’t Attilas
Szasz 30mins 12A
What would you do if your child became invisible?
Drama, Hungary
Saving Mom And Dad
Kartik Singh 15mins
At 8 year old Ravi Malhotra’s school, learns that
in Christ will go to Hell. Knowing his parents
are not Christian, his challenge is Saving Mom And
Dad. Shown in 53 film festivals in 17 countries with
awards. Drama, France
Silvana Aguirre 13mins 12
We meet 8-year old ELA at a very particular moment:
the moment she experiences loss for the first time.
Drama, London
Tomb Raider Ascension
Stephen Reynolds 65mins
The First Independently funded Tomb Raider movie.
Tomb Raider Ascension explores the back story of a
young Lara Croft showing her rise to becoming Tomb
Raider. Drama, Britain
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