Paradise Bar

Aunt Esther’s Story
Stephen Bourne & Andrew
Warrington 15mins U
Using family photographs and archive footage,
Stephen Bourne tells the story of his aunt, Esther
Bruce, a working-class Black Londoner, born before
WW1, who is now included in the Oxford Dictionary Of
National Biography. This is a No Budget Production,
made in Stephen’s living-room! Documentary, London
Coming Together
Myrna Shoa & Antonios
Barlos 5mins U
A short documentary about families and their secret
recipes. We follow Susanna a Portobello resident for
over 30 years, and 82 years old, make her famous
chocolate cake for her family. Documentary, London
Under The Lights Of Tana
Joan Soler 20mins 12A
In Madagascar the women have to put up with
prevailing male chauvinism, some of them suffering
abuse and being abandoned by their husbands.
Without any economic resources of any kind, they
survive on the streets thanks to money received from
begging by them or their children or from prostitution.
Documentary, Spain
Lara Leslie 5mins U
A film about a generation. In the 1950s, thousands of
Caribbean people arrived in London to start a new life
rebuilding the shattered infrasture of a war-torn
capital. Among them was the Parry family, who set up
Britain’s third oldest Afro-hair salon, in east
London. It
rapidly became a social gathering place for the new
black community. Roots lets us inside the working life
of this much loved institution and its people.
Documentary, London
Jason Young 6mins U
The story of the founder of Mr Solomonic Dynasty of
Ethiopian Kings based upon “the Kefra Nagastic”
translated by E.A.Wallis Budge. This film tells the story
of Menelikl and his mother, Queen of Sheba, using the
environment, singing, mural paintings and dancing.
Documentary, London
Jim Ewing 6mins 12A
Boxing Trainer father, bewildered by his transvestites
Boxer son, decides only the lads grandfather “Tank”
can straighten him out. But tank has had a stroke,
and can’t speak. Comedy, Australia
Sarah Claudon 9mins 18
Ftom is a video based on the testimony of a female to
male transsexual and a reflection on the social,
domestic and corporeal aspects of the gender and
sexual identity matters, aiming at banning the idea of
determinism. Art, France
Krane Und Bagger
Leonore Poth 5mins U
Crane and digger are in war. One day a digger falls in
love with a crane. Drama, Germany
Proceua - se Amigo
Vitor 20mins U
Do we still make friends after thirty? Drama, Portgual
The Slope (Yokus)
Mehmet Can Mertoglu 14mins
A sharp look at humankind’s marathon of a life from
the perspective of a suburban hospital’s janitor.
Drama, Turkey
Rolling On
Paola Desiderio 7mins 12A
Rolling On is a film about skateboarding, hard work
and perseverance. Featuring a group of kids from
council estates and their idol Tony Hawk.
Documentary, London
Marionette Bahar
Oner 2mins 15
A tale about that we have bounds (social) and not
free. No matter how we try to get rid of them, the
boundaries have always been. Art, Turkey
Blinded Robin
Whenary 4mins 12A
A young man lies motionless in a country lane. He
relives events in his mind, and all becomes clear.
Drama, Britain
Robin Whenary 5mins 12
A spinning top is spun and several everyday actions
become interconnected, through the power of editing.
Then it all starts to go wrong.... Drama, Britain
Seeing Robin
Whenary 7mins 12
The sights and sounds of a summer afternoon in the
South Devon Countryside, seen through the eyes of a
twelve-year-old boy. Drama, Britain
Small Dark Places
Susie Watson 25mins 15
Rising star Tom Brooke, Zoe Tapper (’Stage Beauty’,
‘The Curse Of Steptoe’) and Caroline Blakiston
(’Return Of The Jedi’) star in this darkly
surreal and
often funny tale of fear and love. Drama, London
The Mountain Is Always Calling
Rodert Staffl & Christfried
Huebuer 13mins 12A
The undeath, Luis Trenker is dammed to an existence
in loneliness and idyll. To break the curse he has to
win the love of a woman from the city. When Leni
arrives, Luis sees his chance for freedom. Drama,
One Day James
Barriscale 15mins 15
Owen breaks free from his mundane, suburban, claustrophobic
office and escapes to Blackpool with the girl
from the video shop.
Alyssas Spiegel
Diego Breit 9mins 12
A lept restaurant in the middle of nowhere, Alyssa
discovers two men in a mirror, one of them tries to use
her to send a message to the world. Drama, Austria
The Condition
Toby Meakins 6mins 12A
Terminally ill Tom Cahn Glimpses a phantom face in
his lung x-ray and spends his final days searching an
entire city for its owner. Drama, London
Long Walk Home
Chris Nunn 7mins 12A
A professional couple begin a journey that unknown to
either of them, will change both their lives forever.
Drama, London
Se One
David Chidlow 5mins 12A
On a dark night in central London, two strangers’
paths cross. Through a simple misunderstanding, their
emotions spiral out of control revealing mutual anger,
fear and, most of all, simple frustration. Before they
know it, they’re facing potentially disastrous,
ultimately, eye-opening, consequences together.
Drama, London
Pondering Of A Lonely Wonderer
Alberto Bona & Marco
Sanges 2mins 15
A lonely wonderer meets the muse of his dreams. But
does he really find her or is it only an illusion? Silent
film. Drama, London
Ferndale, Western Canyon
Los Angeles
Richard O’ Sullivan 13mins U
Ferndale, Western Canyon Los Angeles, is a portrait of
an area of Griffith Park in LA. The work explores the
contrast of ‘real’ and ‘fake’
places, and ‘real’ and
‘fake’ images. My thinking has been influenced
Baudrillard’s concept of simulation. Ferndale is
constructed, watery oasis set amongst the brittle
aridity of Griffith Park, but is it any more of a
simulation than the supposed wilderness of Griffith, or
the city itself? Art, Britain
John Scanlon & Jen
Barrett 5mins U
Tradition and devotion fuse with the restlessness and
banality of ordinary life. Filmed on the Ghats of the
Ganga, this is a meditation on life in flux, the play
light and dark reveal patterns of being and energy,
moments of mystery and enlightenment....
Art, London
Disforme Arthur
Tuoto 3mins U
A shadow questions itself about it shape. Art, Brazil
Arthur Tuoto 1min U
Inside me, a name. Art, Brazil
Life Is Coming
Arthur Tuoto 1min U
Urban reflection about a day in the city of San Paulo,
Brazil. Art, Brazil
Loss Of Control
John Canciani & Simon
Bretscher 1min 12
The fear of losing control. Art, Switzerland
Rolla Saor
Cathc Watters 25mins 12A
A chance photograph Marc takes of Ruth may cause
concern for the pharmacist. Drama, Ireland
As Chic As It Gets
Lisa Nash 3mins U
Art short. Art, London
What Dreams Are Made Of
Lisa Nash 3mins U
Art short. Art, London
Orange Girl C.Edward Stewart 6mins U
A woman braves the elements and faces adversity to
enjoy an orange. Art, Canada
Window Muzeum
4mins U
People attempt to visit their homes in buildings that
were long ago demolished. they walk with antique
ladders across concrete field of poppies. The song is
purely magic. Music Videos, USA
Why Is Your Car Out
Nick Marcq 5mins 15
An urban tale of teenage pregnancy in the ‘endz”.
This is a story about the journey of a young lady who
is to become a mother. The music details her thoughts
and what she is going through. The first music video
from “Hit and Run” an album by UK artist RAM.
Videos, London
The Last Time We Were Together
H.L Murphy 9mins 12
Pete and Ella can no longer be together... one is
dealing with it alot better. This is the last time they
together. Drama, Ireland
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