Westbourne Studios

The Silent Revolution Of Truth
Jack Gerlach 95mins 12A
The true life story of Billy Meier, who claims contact
with ETs since 1942. His still irreproducible physical
evidence - and decades of accurate prophecies - are
explored, as well as his adventurous life as “The
Phantom”, discovery of ancient scrolls and the 21
attempts on his life. Documentaries, USA
The PC + I
Harriet Macdonald 20mins
An amusing look at computers and why we love and
ultimately loath them. The man who hugs a computer,
if you were the inventor what would you think of the
negativity? What would you say to the inventor?
Documentary, Australia
Living Diesel
Savannah Teller Brown
19mins U
Documentary on diesel emissions, the impact on the
environment and what is being done to reduce the
harm. Documentary, USA
The Pigeon Man
Madelon Vroom 8mins U
How much will a man sacrifice for the best for his wife
and son. The “Pigeon Man” is a documentary
Marcel a Rumanian street artist living in London.A
couple of years ago he left his homeland to work
abroad so he could provide his family with a better
life. Documentary, London
The Elephant In The Room
Dean Puckett 95mins 15
Six and half years after the tragedy of 9/11 the
psychological impact of this catastrophic event has had
reverberations across the globe that still linger in
modern society’s mind like a bad dream. The Elephant
In The Room follows filmmaker Dean Puckett as he
examines the cultural impact and paranoia that the
events of 9/11 have had on western culture.
Documentary, London
Colonial Education - A Theater
Journey To Tanzania
Christfried Huebuer & Rodert Staffl 80mins 12A
The director jean Siemssen travels to Tanzania with his
theater company to research German colonial history.
Colonial is a critical view on German self-reflection.
The film also observes the reaction of the African
audience. Feature Length Documentaries, Germany
A Heart From Jenin
Cecilia Parsberg 50mins
A heart from Jenin tells the story of a young
Palestinian boy shot to death by an Israeli soldier and
whose heart was donated to a young Israeli girl,
saving her life. The gift “drills a hole”
in the wall.
Documentary, Sweden
Yellow Gate Woman
Margaretta D’arcy
60mins 12
“It was them or us, it was make or break”
- after 19
years of struggle, indigestible women’s strength,
armed with bolt-cutters and legal challenges, drove US
nuclear missiles and British military from Greenham
Common, in spite of constant arrests, jailings, and
evictions. Margaretta D’arcy, returns to Greenham
recount their extraordinary story. Documentary,
Red Man Green Man Rainbow
Woman Tim Cole 33mins
The Maitland Park Heriitage Project was organised to
commemorate Karl Marx’s life in Maritland Park,
Camden 1856-1883. On a heritage walk in 2007 we
piece together clues about Marx’s life and of it’s
residents lives today! Roots sticking up! Documentary,
Make me A Tory
Daniel Cormack 25mins
Can a disillusioned Labour voter turn Tory? F eaturing
David Cameron. Documentary, London
A13: Road Movie
Rayna Nadeem & Stuart
Bamforth 25mins U
Focusing on the overlooked, the hidden, and the
disregarded, and seeking out the beautiful and the
bizarre on a journey from Victorian Whitechapel in
London’s East End,out along the Thames corridor
the seaside quirkiness of Southend. Documentary,
Brown Punk
(Tricky) 60 minutes 15
Trip Hop musical from new music collective formed by
Tricky from Massive Attack, featuring Elliott Gould.
Tricky has to raise the money for his new record label.
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