12-13 AUG
Portobello Green
DJ Splackavelli Softtouch
from drive time radio, Beat FM 101.9 will be playing
Live from 2pm till 830 pm.
With giveaways. He will take you through the years of
music and feature the history of reggae including live
tracks from the Marleys.
Also throughout the two days, Special Guests will be
dropping in to say hi to London .
Splackavelli has worked with the likes of Luciano, Damian
Marley and Julian Marley.
Asked how he felt at being asked to do the two day event
, Splacka replied "I have worked hard and would
love to do the two days in the park meet film makers.I
myself am interested in trying a bit of TV presenting
and it’s better to meet someone at a festival
like the Portobello Film Festival. So if you can come
to the Portobello Green and enjoy yourself as its a
free event and you never know how your going to meet
. remeber to say Hi" .