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Tuesday 17 August

Westway Sports Bar

Westway Sports Bar
Crowthorne Road
London W10
Entry FREE

After The Floods Chris Spence 25 minutes U 

video documentary of the floods that hit the town of Malton and Norton two years in a row.        


Moments In Time Nick Fletcher 25 minutes U

A journey through the historic city of York one hot summer day.                   


Free    Nick Fletcher 5 minutes UA hot air balloon in the sky on the hottest day of the year.                    


Sick Pest Girls Music & Mockumentary. Boz Phillips 45 minutes 15

All star band, The Sick Pest Girls, a short twinkle in the eye of frustrated rock star & manager Joy Juice. The mockumentary a final farewell to what could have been. Festival faves for past three years.


Americana Kohe Usuda 30 minutes U

A 19 year-old Canadian girl leaves her home in Ontario, arrives in Tokyo, and finds walk as a bar hostess.


Change Please Chun-I Chang 13 minutes 12 

Yuan works for Cathy as a baby-sitter.


Alive And Kicking Julian Fernandez 25 minutes         

Inside Notting Hill   


What To Drink? Nancy Brandt 35 minutes 12 

Pero is an hedonist. He sold self-made lemonade.


TV EYE 001 Flavio Sciole   5 minutes      U        

TV(?) and eye-         


TV EYE 002 Flavio Sciole   3 minutes      U

TV(?) and eye          


TV EYE 003 Flavio Sciole   5 minutes      U        

TV(?) an eye-           


TV EYE 004 Gold Flavio Sciole     5 minutes      U        

TV(?) and eye-         


TV EYE 005 Silver Flavio Sciole 2 minutes U    

TV(?) and eye-         


TV EYE 006 Acid Flavio Sciole      5 minutes      U        

TV(?) and eye-         


Estestica fs Flavio Sciole 7 minutes U 

Aesthetics of fs                               


One Rainy Day Jude Wilkinson-Height 7 minutes 15 

Inside a dank interview room DC Stone questions Ianenglish, but why is he there, as a witness, a suspect or something more?  





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