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Sunday 22 August

Westbourne Studios

Westbourne Studios
242 Acklam Road
London W10
Entry FREE

Moment Irina Louchia 2 minutes U                                            


St.Ives Raymond Myndiuk 10 minutes U          

An abstracted baby. Art                  


Perkele Arto Tuohimaa 20 minutes 15 

“Perkele” is a finally tuned comedy about Finnish men. It’s a place filled with snow and silent people trying to endure the winter. Comedy


Moo(n) Leigh Hodgkinson 3 minutes 12

Relief for the common cold. Animation  


The Girl & The Horse Rebecca Manley 3 minutes 12

A story about friendship and a young girl’s search for contentment and true happiness. Animation       


Survey Joe King 7 minutes U      

Survey is the result of a photographic tour of South Wales. The film captures some unique architecture and landscapes creating a rhythmic study of the area, breathing life into buildings and structures. It made almost entirely from photographic stills.


Girl In Prison            Fernando Uson       20 minutes 12A      

Carmen begins to teach a course in prison. Drama  


Up The Hill Backwards R Mann & J Pharaoh 10 minutes 12

The Cafe is a hive of energy and activity where anyone who is anyone goes to be seen. Comedy   


Idjea John Wheeler                                                                        



The Key John Wheeler                                                                  



Worms John Wheeler                                                                               



Post   Phil Traill 10 minutes U    

Post is about the office loser who goes outside for a fag and finds himself leaning against a magic lamp-post Comedy   


Hello, Friend Graham Linehan     10 minutes 12         

Hello, Friend charts the sinister workings of a piece of computer software called Praemus which appears to have a mind of its own, from the author of Father Ted. Horror


Day Of Reckoning Liam Gavin                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Shooting Blanks Liam Gavin                                                       

Winner Best Film Portobello Film Festival 2003                                                          

Northern Soul Shane Meadows 25 minutes 12A        

Northern Soul tells the story of Mark Sherbert, a lonely young man who is obsessed with British wrestling. His dream is to become a professional wrestler and compete against his hero’s on the British wrestling scene. There is only one problem, he weighs nine stone and has a pain threshold of a small child. Directed by Shane Meadows. Comedy


Cuba Libre Juan Gerard 120 minutes 15

Film starring Harvey Keitel and Gail Garcia Bernal.A poignant love affair seen through the eyes of a child during the Cuban Revolution of 1958.                                                                                            


Glastonbury Shorts
A selection of the very best films from this year’s Glastonbury Festival Film Tent, to which Portobello Film Festival contributed a one hour programme every day. Selected by Glastonbury film supremo Pete Snowman.                      

Glastonbury Shorts Pete Snownan 3 mins

How To Build A Film Festival (In 3 Days In The Rain)

The Adventure Of Big Jeff
Tom Parkinson 5 mins                

The Aussie with no cozzy.

The Portal
Dan Ruttley 11mins                                                               

Two men, one wall and the world's greatest rock festival.

Dicken Franklin & Kate Munkenbeck 3 mins

Old MacDonald has a farm...but he's barking mad!

Darko's Cyrstal
Mill Marta Velasquez 7 minutes

Zombie, 'aaarrtichokes' and the evil Dr Darko

Boxed In
by Will Becher.5 minutes

A battle of wits between an old man and a mouse.

UFO Spotters
Henry Burrows 1 minute

Phone radiation can be bad for the health.

The Unswept Floor
Jane Hubbard & Maureen O'Kane 4 mins

The amazing life of mosaic floor

60 Cups of Coffee
David Ward 8 mins

That much coffee can't be good for you!

Yeti Tia
Perkins 2 mins

An abominable tale of randy snowfolk.

Dam'd Neon Kelly 3 mins

John returns home and has a nasty surprise.

Massive Swerve
Robert Valley 6 mins

Sex, drugs and rock & roll - wicked animation 

The End
Tim Clayton & Rob Crowther 2 mins

Ever wondered what's happening on the other side of the globe? Don't!                           

Terminator 2 The Musical
Marcus Daborn 15 minutes 15

Musical comedy version of Terminator 2 Judgement day featuring the talents of the world famous Pinkypoos Experience. Comedy     


Sixth Sense The Musical. Marcus Daborn 25 minutes 12   

A spoof comedy musical film version of The Sixth Sense with the Pinkypoos Experience. Comedy         


Man With A Movie Camera Dziga Vertov 25 minutes U         

Probably the first film ever made, Jean Luc Godard named his production company after it. Vertov invents Cinema before your very eyes with additional music from the Cinematic Orchestra.Fictional Documentaries                                                                               


Whitehouse Pictures.120 minutes

Butterfly-30 mins

Ten Minute Movie

Keane  videos x2


Music videos

2x WH shorts





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