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Tuesday 17 August
Westbourne Studios

Westbourne Studios
242 Acklam Road
London W10
Entry FREE

Building Faythe Matt Tucker & Bill Tucker 40 minutes 15      

Building Faythe explores the life of an aspiring Newfoundland artist as he struggles to complete an ambitious and potentially dangerous public-art project. Art Documentaries           


Travelling Under Occupation Babette Herchenroder 90 minutes 15 Documenting the impact of the Isreali occupation of the West Bank and the GAZa strip. Confronts the Israeli occupiers with non violent resistance. Documentary                                                                                                                                   

Collective Punishment Simon de Glanville 35 minutes 15  

The film tells the story of a group of volunteers who travelled to the West bank in November 2002 as part of the International Solidarity Movement. Their role as internationals was to protest the Israeli occupation, observe and curb human rights abuses and to stand in solidarity with the Palestinians under occupation. Documentary           


Little Country With A Sandal Giora Karib 40 minutes 12      

Hanoch has been in Eritrea for two years, working for the United Nations as part of a team that rehabilitates people affected by war. He runs a project that educates and informs about the dangers o landmines and unexploded bombs. Millions of such devices litter the Eritrean landscape after the war with her neighbour, Ethiopia. Documentary         


The Barbecue People David Ofek & Joseph Modmony 90 minutes 15

Israel in the late 80s: the first Intifada events which marked the beginning of the violence eruption on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides. A wild barbecue feast takes place on the green hills bordering a small working class town, as an immigrant family from Iraq celebrates Israel’s 40th Independence Day.            Drama          




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