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Tuesday 10 August

The Paradise

The Paradise
19 Kilburn Lane
London W10
Entry FREE

Tom Harper 7 minutes 15

A naive young poet pays a visit to his intemperate mentor, with surprising and amusing results. Drama  


To Skin a Cat Dan O’ Berry 25 minutes 15       

Nick tries to open the door to his girlfriend’s past, only to find himself locked out  without a key - and without a clue. Comedy      


Comme Le Cochons (Like The Pigs) Gerard McDonagh 5 minutes 15     

Sitting in a dilapidated bathroom a confused and troubled young man considers his future while thinking of the past. Drama          


Hostage Elliot Howard 15 minutes 15   

Hostage hijacks television interview and places it within an imagined scenario. You don’t have to go along but if you do this happens. Art Documentaries


References Required Tunde Olayaka 10 minutes 15 Three flatmates, one lottery ticket, loads of fun. Comedy         


Dick Goes Heart Stefan Buhling 10 minutes 15          

A fictitious heart attack, a droll Russian doctor and German Inge wearing a nurse’s uniform.Comedy  


Endurance Konstanzinos Menelaou 15 minutes 18  

Four videos dealing with sexual repression, loss of romance and the pleasure of an enduring decadent relationship. Art


Textual @Traction Ieuan Morris 13 minutes 15         

Tom falls and bangs his head. He loses his memory- and his mobile phone. Comedy        


Il Volo - The Flight Fulvis Arrichiello 10 minutes U

One man pushes a wheelchair with another man seated along a country road and over a precipice. Drama        


The Secret Of Year Six Francois Gandolfi 10 minutes 15    

A story about a story. A story about 3 boys, a girl and a gun. Mike and Valerie are reluctantly attending a class reunion. Drama   


Two of a Kind Luis Carlos Soares 10 minutes 15      

A young couple in love face an unexpected abortion situation that might separate them forever.Drama     


Sanhedrin Simon Brasse 30 minutes 12         

It is June 1995. A small Jewish community in Stoke Newington London believe Hitler has escaped Germany and is hiding amongst them. Drama


3 Days A.Hill & R. Auston Lynn 90 minutes 15  In a phone booth at Waterloo Station, a man finds a tourist journal which contains a photo of himself. But the photo hasn’t been taken....yet. Drama   




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