Cinema Tent Programme
16 August
Emslie Hornimans Park, Kensal Road, London W10
Cinema Tent
Douglas Byrne 50 mins 15 Eight mature students and their Teacher go on
a beach party one summers night, they drink, they eat, they tell ghost
stories. Drama
Space Echo-Live
M.Madocky 5 mins 12 Space Echo-live. Music Video
Tarmac Punchdrunk
5 mins 15 A short film about a man relating tarmac to his primal senses.
Ceset Banyoda (Corpse In The Bathroom.)
Hulya Ozturk 20 mins 15 A story about a woman who confesses that she killed
someone. We find she didn’t kill anyone but herself!
3 X 8 =24
Ahmet Boyacioplu 10 mins 15 A short film about three beggars, a yuppie
and a film director. Drama
Ahmet Boyacioplu 5 mins 15 A group of friends after celebrating the birthday
of an old man in a bar go to a cemetery to attend a funeral. Drama
Guldem Durmaz. 13 mins A visit to a jail in an imaginary country. Drama
Stefan Georgion 10 mins15 Luke is a lonely boy who after being unable
to understand ratios must choose whether to live in his imagination or
reality. Drama
It's Fashion Time
Frank Werner 2 mins 12 I asked my mother to send me a package with her
"top four" dresses! Art
The Ultimate Cocktail
Shaun Cairns 20 mins 15 A short film about fate, fun, grass, fortune and
football. Drama
Under Control (Trailer) Lisa Lloyd 2 mins12A A man on a quest to find
his true identity. Drama
Michael, Andy & Foxy: Paris Buskers
Sarah Forbey 40 mins 15 Michael fled NYC to busk in Paris, Andy drifted
over from England. Foxy came to Paris via Germany, Switzerland and Madagascar.
Paola Brunetti 5 mins 12 Abladei is one of the most innovative African
dance and drumming companies in London Music Video
Tim Saunders 10 mins12 The disparate and mundane are transformed into
a trip into space by the imagination of a six year old. Art
Sonic Monkfish
Gennie Rose 10 mins Colourful, lively, Psychadelictrance, electro breakbeat,
visual and music. Music Video
Cirque Du Soleil x2 Yeast
10 mins 15 Documentary
Matt 30 mins 18 Thomas and Yoon have a date. Everything seems to put them
together but the two heroes' friends don't agree to this relationship.
The Bathroom Agreement
Jenny Andrews 20 mins 12A Civil rights rebellion of movie extras. Comedy
Present Continuous
Genista Dunham 5 mins 15 Defining human actions through their outlines
+ contours. Art
City Lights
Genista Dunham 2 mins 15 Defining human actions through their outlines
+ contours. Art
My Beautiful Violetta
Gabriela Trzebinski 10 mins U A looped short of a digitised super 8 footage
of a sculpted Rhino head by Giselle Rocco. Art
Walkabout Of Alice
Simona Da Pozzo 2 mins 12 Four dancers- Alices- though the looking glass,
run on asphalt orbits Art
The Pack
Ryan Knowles 10 mins 15 The nature of the attack in “The Pack”
moves between sadistic violence and manipulative eroticism. The violence
is clouded by the fluid choreography and the vision and hallucinations
of the victims disconnected mind. Art
Formal and Informal Mechanisims, Vol.2
M.Bowald & J,C. Campell 5 mins 15 Another chapter in the history of
an eternal fight. The concept of culture at its best. Drama
Que Pasta
Alex Reuben 2 mins U A 1 minute evocation of a dancing, abstract painting
with no edits, Art
Colin’s Wings
Alex Reuben 15 mins U Internationally renowed Ceramic artist Colin Pearson
fights a war between Parkinson’s Disease and time using his creative
will and vision. Good
My City
Luis De Valle & Ricardo Vidal 30 mins 12A "My City" combines
the efforts of its filmmakers in attempting to disentangle the complexities
that lie beneath the surface of Lima, Peru. Drama
Ma Faiza
Bob Edwards 30 mins 15 Unhappy Uk Indian lesbian, Faiza, finds home &
happiness in India. Drama
Book Cover
Sam Leifer 5 mins 15 “Book Cover” comically visits several
recognizable scenarios, which highlight the absurdity of prejudice. Music
Danny Loves Angela
Mark Aldridge 10 mins 12A At the pool, at the office and in the street,
Danny is thwarted in his quest to attract Angela’s attention until
he decides to make the ultimate gesture of his love for her involving
a motorway bridge, a climbing rope and a can of spray paint. Comedy
The Mikmaid’s Fayre
Kate Shipp 5 mins 15 The milkmaid’s Fayre- illustrating what you
give you shall receive; what you take you should return. Art
The Long Run
Douglas Avery 2 mins 12 A short film from one of the master of music videos,
Douglas Avery. Drama
Saintly Behaviour
Tom Norcliffe 5 mins 15 A chance encounter on the tube leads to an unexpected
solution. Drama
Bird Of Prey
Tim Conrad 15 mins 15 When an old man’s pet eagle is stolen he takes
his revenge in a bizarre and horrific way. Drama
Process 5703/2000
Mara Castilho 10 mins 18 . The desire for freedom in the movements of
revolt and pain. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1970; Saniago, Chile, 1973; Gaza Strip,
Palestine 2003 Drama
Eddie Knight 10 mins 18 Commentary on genetic experimentation infiltrating
the human food chain. Art
Clean Break Films
John Wheeler & Tim Sunders. 60 mins 15 A collection of short films
from the “Clean Break Films” crew. Drama
