Megascreen Programme
15 August
Emslie Horniman’s Park, Kensal Road, London W10
Mega Screen
Portobello Film Festival is proud to present a
collection of films from The Film Council UK
featuring Digital Shorts, courtesy of Short Circuit.
Unreal City
Peter Addington 10 min 15 A dark city. A lonely worker goes home to his
only solaces- stamp collecting and a music box. Animation
Jon Sen 10 mins 15 One man. Two cops. Three mind-altering substances.
Sit back. Inhale deeply. Enjoy.
Take Me Somewhere Nice
Matt Huntley & Peter Mellor 10 mins 15 When it comes to families,
nothing is ever quite what it seems. Drama
Carol Stevens 10 mins 15 A poetic realist narrative that explores the
cusp between childhood and adulthood involving a girl, pony and mutant
eggs. Drama
Steven Sheil 10 mins 15 A suburban living room, the furnishings trashed,
drenched in blood, and in the midst of it all, a survivor, Lia. Drama
The Message Storm
Toby Meakins 10 mins 15 When her dead lover sends her an undeveloped photograph,
a grieving woman must question whether she wants to see what lies beyond
life. Drama 7.00pm
(Sam Raimi) Stan Lee’s seminal comic book creation brought faithfully
to life by Evil Dead helmer Raimi with Toby McGuire as Peter Parker and
the lovely Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane. Following a groundbreaking decision
by the BBFC. . . a film for all the family.
Hard Labour
Oliver Krimpas 10 mins 15 Two women fall pregnant by the sane man, but
who will be left holding the baby? Drama
Noreen Kershaw 10 mins 15 Psychiatrist Dr.Snell watches Eric come through
his office door week in, week out, for treatment and begins to question
if his patient really wants to be cured. Drama
Ian Dodds 10 mins 15Leila, a ten-year-old Iranian girl seeking asylum
travels to Britain in the back of a lorry with her mother, grandmother
and baby brother. Drama
Rhubarb & Roses
Ged Maguire 10 mins 15 Molly's battle with cancer is finally over. Her
son Ricky promises to cook her a last supper to help her on her way. Drama
Where Were We?
Matt Smith 10 mins15 In this gently absurd film, a couple are dragged
into helping a man they have never met-with extraordinary results. Drama
