Elgin Programme
14 August
The Elgin 96 Ladbroke Grove London W11
Black Humour Night
With Black Eye
Shadow's Company (Compagnie des Ombres)
Christophe Perrier 15 mins 15 An old man abandoned by his family decides
to answer to a newspaper's ad. He finds himself projected in a universe
where fiction & reality are deeply interlaced. Drama
The Taco Test
Steve Rompre 20 mins 15 Eric has invented a test to find the ideal woman.
But the quest for the perfect girl is no walk in the park. Comedy
Debrauche/ Switch Off
Francois Celerier 20 mins 15 A young computer executive is depressed after
an unsuccessful love affair. He decides to go back to the place where
he used to live when he was a child.... Drama
Rough Sleepers
Robert Brown 10 mins 15 After a case of mistake identity at a car park
(frequented by drug uses) a photography student, Ben Luntley, is taken
by a Yorkshire police officer to see how they deal with the problem of
heroin addiction & homelessness in the city. Drama
The Ring Master’s Circus
Kevin Brett 10 mins 15 Tormented by the past, the present and the future,
the clown must escape the prison that is The Ring Master’s Circus.
Bum Runner
Steve Herold & Kurt Christiansen 10 mins 15 A frantic parody of movie
car chases. Comedy
Hasan Shah 5 mins 15 Comedy of misunderstanding. Comedy
Stag Nut
Russell Razzaque 10 mins 15 A wild stag night. Comedy
Et Cetera
Ashot Shiroian and others. 20 mins 18 Segregation through the eyes of
a man who has been fighting against racism and discrimination all his
life, and working for bringing a better understanding and tolerance between
people. Drama
Haircut Hardman
Graham Ball 15 mins 15 Tony Baxter is a disturbed man. Convinced he is
dying his thoughts are relayed to us as he traces an unseen nemesis across
the twilight landscape of London's Soho. Drama
The Rubbish In Your Head.
Nicholas Penrake 5 mins 18 Arriving home, Ken pulls out a tooth eating
chocolate toffee bar. Minutes after discarding the tooth, he finds another,
very ugly part of himself growing in the rubbish bin. Comedy
The Victim
Robert Ager 30 mins 18 Two sadists on a routine hunt for new victims abduct
a man who later claims to also be a serial killer. Drama
Hit & Run
Sebastian Smith & Richard Stiles. 5 mins 15 A good samaritan stops
to help a girl who is lying in the road. But things are not what they
seem. Drama
The Trophy
Nicholas Penrake 5 mins 18 a cannibalistic serial killer gets his comeuppance
for having taken a trophy from his latest female victim. Comedy
Pool Shark
Sam Walker 10 mins 15 “Things aint cool at the local pool”.
Human Territory Vicki Kisner 5 mins 18 The film gives a, short, sharp
insight into the mind of a crazed and frustrated female. Drama
Ben Cobb 60 mins 18 Alone and aimless in London, a young girl smokes her
days away in an empty flat, occasionally venturing out. One day, she experiences
a profound awakening following a mystical confrontation with a demented
old woman. Overcome by strange sickness, the transformed girl emerges
from her ordeal charged by some elemental force, energised by a magickal
spirit...and metamorphosed from waster into warrior. Drama
