Elgin Programme
13 August
The Elgin 96 Ladbroke Grove London W11
The Pinkypoos Experience
and Music Documentaries
NB A selection of cutting edge music
videos by top hip and happening production companies will be presented
throughout the night. Your VJ: Edwin John.
Everybody Here Wants You
Valerie Estersen 60 mins 12 A tribute to Jeff Buckley featuring Brad Pitt
and Debbie Harry. Documentary
Ash : “ Love & Destruction”
Rojo 40 mins 15 Documentary about funky festival faves, Ash. Music Video
Rage Against Machine
20 mins 15 Documentary about fierce US hip grungers. Music Video
The PinkyPoos Experience
Angelica Campion & Marcus Dadorn 60 mins 15 Short spoof films of well
known feature films from local cult comedy outfit Pinkypoos!!!!! Comedy
Resistencia: Hip Hop In Colombia
Tom Feiling 50 mins 15 Resistencia: Hip Hop In Colombia is a radical and
thought-provoking exploration of how young Colombians feel about the crisis
afflicting their country. The film follows a Summer in the lives of Colombia's
finest rappers, DJs and breakdancers. The film is a good introduction
toColombia's long-running cocaine and rightwing fuelled Civil War as seen
through the eyes of those directly affected. It also gives an intimate
insight into the life in the barrios of a very volatile country, and how
traditional Latino music is losing out to rap music Documentary
