Elgin Programme
7 August
The Elgin 96 Ladbroke Grove W11
Extreme Sports Films
From Third Planet International
Lime House Outlaw
Andrew Gray 10 mins 12A Music Video
Crash Positions
Woodchuck Ben Caron 10 mins 15 Music Video
Track Addict
Jamie Worsfold 10 mins 15 Jim is a middle-aged man who is run down by
his job and bored with life Drama
The Phone Call
Julius Amedume 30 mins 15 A young man called Quintin gets a phone call
from an old friend called john. John asks him to do him a favour. Drama
Aaron Cooney 10 mins 15 Alex awakes in a hotel room the morning after
his birthday with no recollection of what happened. Drama
One Day
Joan-Lluis Ramisa 10 mins 12A A surreal musical short that explores the
hopes, dreams and disillusionment of an ordinary group of people who share
more than a fish and chips shop. Music Video
In March this year Third Planet International held an Extreme Sports Film
Competition called Exposed. These are the winning entries.
Emerald Coast
40 Degrees SK
Not California.
5 Drop-In One Day.
No Blues.
Land Of Saints.
Yeovil Trails.
Sea: One.
Serrated Image.
While We Wait.
Zoot Mania.
Among Tigers Wild
Moira McLaughlin 20 mins 15 In a world where flowers are currency, land
is expensive and the city dark and claustrophobic. Drama
Gloria Daysor 10 mins U In Stan’s world, he leads a lifestyle of
instant gratification. He eventually learns that nothing in this instant
world really lasts! Drama
Sweet Sayuri
Tobias Toddell 10 mins 12A Three English guys are besotted by a seemingly
sweet and innocent Japanese girl. As the story progresses it appears she
is not quite so naive. Drama
The Lizardman
Danny Yagil 30 mins 12A IIana works in a bookstore in Tel-Aviv. One morning
she discovers dead butterflies attached to the store’s front door
The Generator
Mark Haynes-Kershaw 20 mins 15 Have you ever wondered where all the energy
from a gym workout goes? Drama
