Video Cafe Programme
5 August
Westway Sports Bar Crowthorne Road London W11
Video Café
The Queen And The King Of Sticks
Markus Heisel & Maria Knodel 60 mins 18 Experimental movie meditation
on zen, love and passion. Art
Unknown Pleasures
Nick Fletcher 10 mins U A surreal montage of a man living in a dream world
Nick Fletcher 5 mins U A walk in the park on a spring day Documentary
After The Floods Chris Spence/ Nick Fletcher 20 mins U A documentary about
the Malton and Norton floods of 2000. Interviews and original camcorder
footage filmed at the time. Documentary
Flavio Sciole 30 mins 15 A delirium. Art
Flavio Sciole 5 mins 15 A virus. Art
Paranoid 70
Flavio Sciole 15 mins 15 A state of paranoia Art
Beataction 3
Flavio Sciole 5 mins 15 Third short of a trilogy. Art
Anti War
Flavio Sciole 2 mins 15 No War. Art
Beataction 2
Flavio Sciole 5 mins 15 Second short of a trilogy. Art
Kristo 33
Flavio Sciole 30 mins 15 Art
Video Azione No 2
Flavio Sciole 5 mins 15 An actor-director-poet (Flavio Sciole) and a painter
(Gianni Tarli) meet. Art
Patricia Marie Shrigley 10 mins 15 A montage of dancing family and friends.
Patricia Marie Shrigley 5 mins 15 I’ve created a bargain facelift.
I taped and stretched my face across a swimming cap using strong black
tape. Art
Chu & Boyd
Huse Monfaradi 15 mins 15 Two weeks after the events of Sept 11th 2001,
2 graffiti writers, about to be evicted from a squat in Paddington, decide
to hold an exhibition of graffiti murals that they have painted depicting
the events of 9/11 Documentary
Anti-War Demo Sept 2002
Kevin Keating 10 mins 15 Documentary
Please Mrs Butler
Katrina Fontaine 5 mins 12A A poem by Allan Ahlberg about an annoying
boy Derek Drew who gets on fellow classmate Anna’s nerves. Drama
The Primrose Place
Jaap Mees 10 mins 12 An unsual meeting between a man and a woman in No
Man’s Orchard. Based on the short story by H.E. Bates. Drama
Heebie Jeebies
David Bryant 5 mins 15 Have you ever felt like you’re being watched?
Greg Browning 2 mins U A very short film about life in rural metropolis.
Boy. Girl. Car. Bus. Drama
Stiff drink
Steven Hare 10 mins 15 Stiff Drink is an offbeat comedy about alpine survival,
immortality and rampant disappointment. Comedy
3 Voices
Stewart Greig 5 mins 15 The relationship between Mai’s voice and
the screen image. Drama
Mark Gutteridge 10 mins 15 Is Our protagonist about to commit a terrible
crime? Drama
i jose benin 15 mins U ‘bloom/doom’ is about horror and hope.
Too Late
5 mins 15 Having time on your hands is not always a good thing. Drama
