Portobello Pop Up Cinema
3 Acklam Road, W10 5TY

London Film Makers Convention 2
(Best Of Latest London Film) plus Heathcote Williams and Pussy Riot.
6.30pm – 10.30pm
Deserts (Irene Emilsson) 25 mins
Theodora and Gabriel play games but their actions are tinged with sadness. Drama.
Fair Morning (Armenise & Correani) 4 mins
What if normal routine ceased to be reassuring? Art
Grief (Mimmo Danbarani) 9 mins
An Iranian man wakes up in London….. Drama
Wipeout (Paul Murphy) 5 mins
A mam with OCD falls in love with a beautiful jogger. Comedy.
Headz (Robert Wainwright) 11 mins
Factory man living lonely existence with a mannequin has his heart stolen by a mysterious woman. Drama.
Urn (George Watson) 7 mins
A young man returns home to collect the ashes of a father he never knew. Drama.
Sketches From The Underground (Lucas Machowski) 35 mins
A hypnotic, dream like journey through the underworld of New York City. Art.
Transitory State (Riccardo Matlakas) 7 mins
A modern day suffragette summons the spirit of Emily Davison who threw herself under the kings horse at the 1913 Epsom Derby. Drama.
The Lion Of Liverpool Street (Sean Fabumi) 6 mins
The rise and fall and imprisonment of investment banker Jordan Gekko. Comedy.
The Works Of Heathcote Williams (Margaret Cox) 40 mins
Showcase of most recent work by alternative Poet Laureate and Bard of Portobello Road, Heathcote Williams.
Easter 2015 (The Son Of God Particle)
The Second Coming
True Love In The Impossible Emprium
Cogito Ergo Sum
Don’t Exaggerate by Howard Barker
Achill Unhinged(Margareta D'Arcy) 18 mins
Galway Pussy Riot- an aged crew of radical women- to to Achill Henge to perform their holy foolishness of punk and become unhinged. Art.
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