
Dreams Of A Better World

Forgotten Bird Of Paradise
(Dominic Brown) 27 mins
An undercover documentary providing a moving insight into the ongoing conflict in West Papua where the indigenous people have been struggling for self determination for over 50 years. Documentary.
Small Steps Nicaragua
(Amy Hanson) 29 mins
Charting the delivery of aid across the rubbish dumps of Central America’s poorest country. Documentary.
Ration & Fashion
(Zarecky, Kunduich, Hurley and Southey) 8 mins
Members of the Abingdon Resource & Wellbeing Centre speak about rations and what they had to do to remain fashionable during World War 2. With contributions from Little Nellie’s Sweet Shop. Documentary.
For The Love
(Jono Stevens & Jonny Madderson) 26 mins
There’s no room for amateurism in sport, but in 2011 and 2012 Sam Whalley-Cohen, an amateur jockey with a 9-5 job, won the Cheltenham Gold Cup. Documentary.
Blind Encounter
(Kevin Andrews) 10 mins
A blind busker on the streets of London has some inspiring views on the world that most of us don’t see. Documentary.
Nan’s Brixton
(Richard Cheal) 16 mins
Sam and his Nan both lived in Brixton 70 years apart. What’s changed> What’s stayed the same? Documentary.
Brian 1949 – 2011
(Paul Wright) 14 mins
Tribute to the legendary Peace Campaigner who lived outside the Houses Of Parliament for almost ten years. Documentary.
£1 Any Bowl
(Bernard Fahey) 7 minutes
A family run stall on Ridley Road Market, East London. A slice of London’s everyday life. Documentary.
(David Fedele) 20 mins.
A visual portrait of unregulated electronic waste “recycling” in Ghana, West Africa. Documentary.
The Art Of Repair
(Will Stewart) 13 mins
Stewart Lee narrates a short film documenting the everyday heroes amongst the sometimes forgotten East End tradesperson. Documentary.
The Crisis Of Civilization
(Dean Puckett) 77 mins
A remix film about converging global crises and what we can do about it featuring clowns, car crashes, explosions, superheroes and xylophones. Documentary.
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