Café Menu
61 Voices Of Albion
Rupert Ferguson 60mins U
Traces the origins of the digger and leveller movements
the seventeenth century back to their pre-norman conquest.
Documentary, Britain
62 Strange Myths Of King Cross
Rupert Ferguson 60mins U
Looks at the curious psycho-geographic topography of
King’s Cross. Documentary, Britain
412 Spare Change Eric Omani 17mins
After a night out three friends miss their last train
Drama, London
33 Lunch Time Jury
Antonio Loyola 10mins U
An empty street is a dead soul; a street with a Kid is
a lot of
power. Drama, London
34 From Heaven To Earth
Antonio Loyola 10mins 12
A black colleague girl doing her home work is planning
kill herself... Drama, London
70 2007 - A Cod And Chips
Odyssey Nick Fletcher 2mins U
A tribute to the classic film and genius of Kubrick.
Comedy, Britain
161 The Iron Bone
Hicham Lasri 115mins 15
The Odyssey of three young people who leave to research
12? to pay the studies of one of them. Drama, France
164 Have a Nice Day
Claire Creswell 9mins 12
An actor spends a day at home learning her part as Miss
Julie in Strindberg’s play. Drama, London
237 Cold Living
Nicholas Dimitropoulos & Cliff Don 100mins 18
When murder mystery betrayal and greed comes together
can only lead to one thing....cold living. Crime Thriller,
London, England
307 One Night Seeta Muller 1min U
One night outside, one minute tale of space, light and
nothing more. Animation, London
327 Coping Strategies
Adam Koronka 20mins 12
Shahid, fed up by the tag ‘learning disabled’
leaves his
dotting mother for love, life and freedom in an independent
home. Comedy, London
378 An Evening With George And
Friends Zillah Bosworth Coleman 50mins 12A
George is a working class hero who after one of the fiercest
battles of World War 2 yet returns to England to be a
humble window cleaner. He dreams of putting on a variety
show. Drama, London
514 Is It 2012 Yet?
Robert Hertner 85mins 15
Starring Cami, Bob Dobbs and Nibiru from Portobello Road
to the stars. Lots of radio program extracts. Documentaries,
569 D’estasi E Stasi
Flavio Sciole 15mins 15
Ecstasy for a man. Art, Italy
231# Plum Role Zak Hilditch 75mins 15
When Jacob lands the Plum Role in a new cop show, a series
of unresolved misdemeanors come to the surface, jeopardising
his shot at the big time. Drama, Australia
78# Watch Me Takeshi Yokoi 140mins
A love fantasy starred by Tamaki Ogawa. A sad and
beautiful story of a pure hearted man and woman. The film
is made in parts showing both the man and woman’s
Drama, Japan
155# The Heaven
Biray Dalkiran 95mins 15
“There was happiness at his heaven till the others
came.” A
is 28 years old. He has got a huge illusion and through
mental deficiency. His mother died when he was 7, after
that traumatic event he started living with his mother’s
illusion. Drama, Turkey
481# Eternal Bliss Oded Levy 60mins 18
Eternal Bliss portrays a short interval in the lives of
friends in Los Angeles. Drama, USA
495# Time Christin Kaler 1min U
Tick tock. Art, Canada
517# “08/07 Campo” Opened Field
August ‘07
Rodrigo Guerrers 80mins 15
Four friends. A country house, a weekend together, and
camera that films it all.... Drama, Argentina
535# Her Name Was Amy Tillman
Teddy Hayes 90mins 18
Troubled woman admits a murderous campaign to psychiatrist
and then involves him. Crime Thriller, Britain
537# Black Turin (Torino Nera)
Massmo Russo 90mins 15
Carlo “the Raunchy” witnesses the murder of
a prostitute
during a black mass. A stolen wallet and a mattress full
money will start the investigation. Comedy, Italy
544# The Lights Of Santa Cruz
Anita Parry 25mins 12A
Tom and Beth with failed relationships behind them join
forces to make a dream come true. Drama, Britain
574# Beatample550007
Flavio Sciole 1min U
Art, Italy
582# Pliche Flavio Sciole 13mins 12A
Danza and Beuys. Art, Italy
227# Two Graves Gregory Marsh
20mins 15
A couple struggle to come to terms with the death of their
son, grief ridden they seek solace in revenge. Drama,
154 Heaven Scent
Frederic Casella 5mins 12
Tom is at the office and bored. Until one day when tom
finds love in the most unexpected place: the gent’s
Comedy, London
163 Stripped Benjamin Collins 17mins 15
Stripped looks into the mind of a man who strips his lover;
that is getting to know her in depth before moving onto
next relationship. Drama, London
165 Crosswords James Malcolm 9mins 12
Mrs Mitchell thinks people are sending her messages
through crosswords. Drama, Britain
185 Frites Jon Garbett 5mins 12
Claude has an unhealthy obsession, which one night, Marie
Anne patently decides to address. But events turn decidedly
strange, even for her. Comedy, London
187 Surrealistic Man Geuio 6mins 15
Spain & sun & cheap vine and walking about in
crucial lifephilosophy
- told with music and art (drawings - painting -
photos) - and surrealism is a matter of course. Music
210 The Convert
Muhammet Gucenmez 80mins 12A
Three people searching for answers to questions they were
afraid to ask are finally confronted with the harsh reality
their choices. Drama, London
215 Immigrant Dinner
Jcei Moyt 6mins 18
Riccerdo Beldini arrives in London and becomes the victim
of a mugging. Horror, London
229 Head
Graeme Webb & Bob Vine 13mins 15
One mans journey through a Dystopion Nightmare. Drama,
246 Pink Teddy Tez Frost 80mins 15
A dark story of a young office worker, chosen amongst
corporate criminals, to deal with corruptors in the city
Melbourne. Crime Thriller, Australia
250 Streets Of Sorrow
Jazz Cloud 7 Nick Fletcher 5mins U
Festival exclusive premiere of Jazzcloud 7’s new
track about
homelessness. Music Videos, Britain
251 Eye Level Justin Addleton 18mins 12A
Frank Stanton is a private investigator in London, hired
Marca Fields to find herself in a bid to prove her own
Drama, London
253 Paradise Jonathan L.Flint 14mins 12A
Today’s society is stuck in domineering routines,
ones which
dictate the people we meet... Drama, Britain
284 This Is Not A Performance
Lena Mattsson 2mins 12A
This film is a study of the Swedish health care system.
286 Artificial Horizon
Violet Macdonald 4mins U
A young boy builds his mini version of the Wright Brothers
‘Glider’. Drama, Australia
290 Insides Dan Gitsham 6mins 15
A man learns that secrets beneath his feet have a nasty
suprise in store for him! Horror, Britain
291 A Vicious Circle
Simon Moss 10mins 15
A ‘reformed east Londoner’ ready to start
a new life with
his girlfriend. Is drawn back to violence when his brother
beaten by thugs. Drama, Britain
292 The Wafer Jody Medland 20mins 18
A rich playboy makes a high-stakes bet claiming he can
a whole week without talking. Drama, Britain
294 No... Just Passing By Mario Lopes, Rita
Ochoa, & Sofia Pimentao 6mins U
Life as a labyrinth. An elevator ride where lives, sounds
memories cross. Drama, Portugual
337# Spring Heeled Jack
William Honeyball 90mins
In 1904 Spring Heeled Jack ended his murderous reign of
terror upon the city of London..... 100 years later he
return to finish what he started. Horror, Britain
344 Don’t Jump The Gun
Paul Cashmore 10mins 15
A man with a tormented past attacks a local villager with
autism believing him to be a threat to his son.Drama,
348 The Wardens Chris Nunn 17mins 12A
A mocumentry that follows a group of hapless traffic
wardens as they try to invent new ways to trap unsuspecting
motorists. Comedy, London
349 Strawberry Laces
Chris Nunn 11mins 12A
A woman in her forties is forced to try to find a job
suffering a complete mental breakdown. Comedy, London
353 The Garden Chris Nunn 5mins 12A
A girl enjoys the perfect day out until she stumbles upon
hidden garden and its deadly secret. Horror, London
354 Gateway Chris Nunn 7mins 12A
A man walks down a light filled corridor and as he enters
each door, finds himself pursuing the same mysterious
woman, veiled in black. Drama, London
355 Present Tense
Richard O’ Sullivan 9mins U
8mm tourist footage - taken from the top of the World
Trade Center prior to its’ destruction. Art, Britain
374 Pastt, Priomehide Agus Prgfabs
Paul Murphy 23mins U
A short documentary about the establishment of an Irish
Language Primary School. Documentary, Ireland
389 Just In A Story
Adam Hoare 14mins 15
Following the good guys can be boring, that’s why
this crew
followed the bad guy. Fictional Doc, Britain
409 The Lost Poem
Dina Kafiris 4mins 12A
A young bride agrees to marry in a time of chaos and
confusion as the century is coming to an end, in an attempt
to conquer troubled times. Art, Australia
422 The Little Piggy
Patrick Whittaker 10mins 15
When a gambling addict starts getting the result of races
before they’re even begun... Drama, Britain
424 Scoredom Mitchell Panayis 13mins 12A
A look at the life on the streets of London's bored boys..
Drama, London
433 Sassafras
Stephanie Farrell & Gareth While 47mins 12A
Short social drama exploring the conflict between basic
morals and strong feelings. Drama, Britain
438 Night After Night
Alex Paterakis 7mins 12A
Sam isolates himself in his own thoughts, drifting further
into his mind and away from reality, becoming a gaunt
creature of the night. Drama, London
463 Wave Rob Hurtt 9mins 12
The Pringle family live in a secluded seaside shack where
time ticks tediously away. Then, out of the blue, a visitor
changes everything, forever.... Drama, London
484 The Psychiatric Channel
Louis Segal 11mins 12
A man sitting alone watching television late one night,
comes across a new, and strange channel, and begins to
“learn” about himself... Sc-Fi Drama, London
492 Blue Minute Bridge
Pamela Millar 2mins U
Rhythmic interpretations of urban objects. Art, Canada
493 Portable Story#1
Jim Olson 1min U
There’s an interesting sound that birds make while
having sex. Art, Canada
500 Axe Mohammad Farzinnia 13mins 15
This film is according to a nightmare. Drama, Iran
501 Lipstick Babak Meinaghi 10mins 12
The desolate depository night watchman’s dream.
380# My Dear Elsa
Stefan Quinth 52mins 12A
Captivating, extraordinary woman who lives life
exuberantly. After spending 31 years behind the locked
doors of a mental hospital Elsa knows how to savor each
day... Documentary, Sweden
387# Yes Means No
Lisa Nash & Lamatdance 5mins 12
A collaboration between video artist Lisa Nash and Lamat
dance. Dance, London
505# Donovan Slacks
Kivmars Bowling 95mins 15
A 1920s hospital patient (re)discovers the terrible secret
his past - determined to break free and win the woman
loves, the man silenced all his life leads an uprising
the government. Drama, Britain
515 Creatures Of Knowledge
Kevin Murphy 70mins 15
Five friends reunite for dinner and conversation. As the
evening progress, people reminisce and certain tensions
come to a head, relationships are tested; some are
strengthen, some left in trouble. Drama, Ireland
526 Duper Models
Peter Gregeen 20mins 15
A down at heel modeling agency gets a break with a TV
commercial - and everything that can go wrong, does!
Comedy, London
550 The Plan David Padadac & George Giorgiou &
Dermot Power 3mins 15
It is a day of reckoning. An old man prepares himself
last time for a push and the final battle...
Drama, London
575 Life Is Nothing: This Is My Life
Flavio Sciole 3mins U
Life is nothing. Art, Italy
576 Mattatoio L’vomo 15
Flavio Sciole 9mins Man is mad. Art, Italy
577 Salvo Per Forma U
Flavio Sciole 3mins Salvo, a performer. Art, Italy
581 Microazione #3 Shoes And
Sugar Shoes and sugar. Art, Italy
583 Aman4aman Flavio Sciole 6mins U
A video for J. Beuys. Art, Italy
621 Eden Camp Nick Fletcher 7mins U
A visit to a former prisioner of war camp. Docu, Britain
4 Morning praise 15
Daniel Smalley 10mins Alex has just been diagnosed with
terminal cancer. Drama, Britain
5 Bare Necessities
Kathryn Grey 10mins 15
Low budget but highly ethical environmental thriller-slashhorror,
about bears. Comedy, London
8 Outside Hedi Young 5mins 15
David, a hospitalized mental patient, takes the opportunity
to escape. Comedy, London
9 B@!!@ck$ Robert Bertrand 7mins
A man finds out that he may have cancer and the consequences
of dealing with it. Drama, Britain
10 Remember Daniel Johnson 5mins 12
The importance of memories. Drama, London
11 Discombobulation
Daniel Johnson 7mins 12A
After a bizarre incident at a birthday party, an unexpected
love triangle forms. Comedy, Britain
12 The Corpse Wore White
Mike Hallett 20mins U
A young woman dies on the eve of her wedding in
mysterious circumstances... Drama, Britain
23 Ballad Of Belsize
Yakob Jakobowski-Zentner 17mins 12
A film about Belsize and its people, shot in the charm
of the
late Jaque Tati. Drama, London
25 Caution Wet Paint: What Really
Happened At The Bus Stop Charles Michel
Dure 13mins U
Meet Jay and Ray, two of the funkiest guys in London.
just wants a bus, but Ray.... Comedy, Britain
27 Two Glasses
Charles Michel Dure 5mins U
Due to a loveless marriage, a husband decides to take
matters into his own hands. Drama, Britain
30 Suspect Steven Dorrington 10mins 15
After Larry Lacky is bizarrely murdered his seemly innocent
neighbour Sally Bash has to face some unorthodox police
questioning. Comedy, Britain
38 Apeth James Martin Charlton 7mins 18
An affluent gay man arranges a threesome with a chav from
the local council estate and an ape from London zoo.
Comedy, London
50 Cold Calling
Daniel Quinones & Jesse Quinones 7mins 12A
Michael Watson is a cold-calling machine. He tries to
reel in
his next recruit. But does he still have what it takes
to close
the deal? Comedy, London
53 In A Drawer
Vesna Marich & Darko Predanic 3mins 12
The story about the love and marriage, the good times
the bad times, which is filmed entirely in a marriage
Drama, London
55 Best Laid Plans Ben Kent 17mins 12
John wants to meet the girl he sees every day at the bus
stop. Comedy, London
56 Is Everyone Fine?
Ingeo Park & So Jung Ahn 20mins U
Korea 2007 in which people are not fine anymore with the
3 million of CCTV. Documentary, London
65 Pickering War Weekend 07
Nick Fletcher 10mins U
A visit to the Pickering war Weekend in October 2007.
Documentary, Britain
66 Memory Lane -- Malton
Nick Fletcher 7mins U
A nostalogic video about Malton’s past. Features
History Group in 2007. Documentary, Britain
67 Pickering Station
Nick Fletcher 10mins U
A video about Pickering Station which is part of the North
Yorkshire Moors Railway. Documentary, Britain
72 hear me Marloes Aben 2mins 12
Experimental film about what’s in your mind, expressing
and communicating. Art, Holland
73 Button_Empty Space ProjectAngelina
Voskopoulou 3mins U
Void could be something solid which has a shadow. It is
necessarily matter that feels the void. It could be something
else... Art
74 I Know You Stelios Sarros 7mins 12
As I fill in, all the familiar dimensions, I place you
in time
and transfer you to and fro to it.... Art, Greece
76 War Fever Antoine Douchet 5mins 12A
A duel between Bush and Bin Laden. Music Videos, France
81 Some Art Thing
Patrick Sheridan 10mins 12A
Nancy Hartigan, the owner of a trendy art gallery, masks
the pain of her failing marriage as she hosts the opening
her latest exhibit... Drama, USA
82 The Accused
Savio Abraham 13mins 12A
Its a story about, Rehaan Ali Khan, a British born Muslim
who wants to become a cop... Drama, Britain
83 The Carousel Nick Fletcher 5mins U
A magical carousel visits a market town in North Yorkshire
at Xmas. Documentary, Britain
85 Light Bulb Sergei Petrov 7mins U
Brings us a journey ofa day in the life of a young guy,
makes a day to remember. Drama, Canada
102 Trafalgar
Sam Chamberlaine 3mins 12A
Music video of band ‘Trafalgar’,gritty, urban
tale of a band
in complete chaos. Time speeds up, as they try to reach
destination. Music Videos, London
105 Cartoon Saints and VillainsDavid
Wurawa 25mins 15
M is a no mess, no fuss, no trace, unassuming, secretive
assassin who displays a cool and detached exterior. Drama,
115 Gordon Knows Best?
Patricia Shrigley 2mins U
Artist portrayal of her brother ‘Gordon” who
likes to think
he knows best. Art, London
121 Anonymity Mark Norfolk 33mins 15
Explores primal instincts of humankind. Drama, London
124 Cake Rosston Mican Meyer 3mins 12A
Photographic exploration of a woman and the emotional
recipe that rises in the kitchen. Drama, USA
125 Slug Mike Ferry 13mins U
The breathtaking North West captured in stunning
cinematography as two friends journey along the river,
original and uniquely inspiring. Art, USA
126 Velvet Breven Angaelica Warren 5mins 12A
A mesmerizing journey with red velvet and black satin
under the spell of a seductive jazz singer. Art, USA
127 Cobbler
Breven Angaelica Warren 3mins U
Follow along in the kitchen or simply enjoy the beauty
baking with friends. Documentary, USA
128 Metal Mike Ferry & Joe sands 3mins 12A
Metal, fire, flesh, fishnets and satin. Art, USA
129 20 Years On The Road Of Rock
Flavia Paulino 75mins U
Music Documentaries, Ireland
131 The Pastorate
Jason Young 6mins 12
Colleen Rose is a redundant young professional who is
on her luck in employment. Drama, London
141 Around The World In 21 Days
Jason Young 50mins U
Two female Londoners set out on a 21-day journey around
the world including Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand
South Africa. Documentary, London
144 The Woman In The Lift
D.J.Pinker 13mins U
Two dreams intersect. Art, London
184 Lumps Alasdar Ogilve 8mins 12A
Two brothers lose the plot when a robbery goes wrong.
Drama, Britain
190 Time
Mario Lopes & Joao Nogueira 4mins U
A woman fights against the oblivion.... Drama, Portgual
198 Visages Lyle Pisio 15mins 15
Ely discovers that his perception of reality depends on
face he chooses to wear. Animation, Canada
230 Last Drop
Graeme Webb & Bob Vine 20mins 15
Sex, drugs, violence and small model cars. Drama, London
238 Memories Of A Future
Margaret Dickinson & Pepe Petos 85mins 12A
In present day Spain a party from Britain commemorates
the arrival 70 years before of the first brigadiers.
Documentary, London
244 Shawls And Moustaches (Sjalar
Och Mustascher)
Jan-Eje Ferling 11mins 12
An older single woman tries to contact males by ads but
little success. She realizes that a male is not her solution....
Comedy, Sweden
249 York - City In Motion
Nick Fletcher 8mins U
A video montage of York. Documentary, Britain
252 Sometimes People Love
Miles Nanton 20mins 12
Four friends go on a journey to find their absent fathers.
Drama, London
254 Specters
Dario Marino And Enrico Calvagna 13mins 12A
Two woman are wandering around to some desolate lands,
woods, headlands without escape... Art, Italy
255 Market Day Malton - 08
Nick Fletcher 4mins U
A day in the life of maltion’s historical cattle
Documentary, Britain
281 Michael Steven’s Memoirs
Russell Hill 10mins 12A
Michael Stevens is just an ordinary guy. He begins to
too much about his life; and it all goes wrong. Drama,
305 Drifted Simon Bretscher 27mins U
47 days lost in the south pacific, you have plenty of
time to
think about your life. Exactly this happened to the Aussie
Ben Tooki. Documentary, Switzerland
320 Hen Bryd../ High Time..
Steffan Donnelly 15mins U
John and Meri lost touch with their son, Gwilym, after
went to sea 20 years ago. Their routine is shattered by
stranger dressed in red. Drama, Britain
331 My Aunt Timrava (Moya Teta
Timarav) Katrina Kocalkova 29mins U
Shows the most famous Slovak writer by the eyes of her
years old niece as well as living people - from the village
and the intelligence too. Documentary, Slovakia
342 Z & She (Yo Y Ella)
Fernando Uson 18mins 12A
Several witnesses are interviewed to relate their encounter
with a desperate woman. Drama, Spain
350 Taking A Break
Chris Nunn 20mins 12A
A mocumentary that charts the ‘Rise To Fame’
of a number
of would be ‘celebrities. Comedy. London
351 Between You Now
Chris Nunn 12mins 12A
Kathryn, a high-class socialite, is having a party for
friends... Drama, London
427 Anniversary Gavin Boyter 14mins 12A
Brian takes Suzy for an idyllic weekend in the country,
propose. Suzy has other plans. Drama, London
446 Subliminal City
Natalie Hobbs 10mins U
A moody animation of wandering through a derelict and
surreal city, exploring the concept of loneliness in urban
space. Art, Britain
450 Words Tor Kristoffersen 15mins 12
Kasper runs an espresso bar. Everyday at 1 o’ clock
its full.
Then one day ‘Coffee King’ opens next door...
458 Understanding Marwood
Michael Audreson 10mins U
Marwood’s Clinic treats drug addicts by being flexible.
doesn’t make money so Marwood assumes there is tax
liability... Drama
459 No Way
Mohamed Ben Becher 8mins U
Nebil, a young man is working in an internet start up.
colleague has gone on a vacation, is replaced by Selua,
former school love... Drama, Tunisia
460 In The Moon’s Shadow
Stepen George 4mins 15
Nightmare and reality merge during a mysterious total
eclipse. Drama, London
461 Decryption Of The Battlestar
Galactica Last Supper Picture
Heri Mkocha 6mins U
In 2008 a cryptic picture with the cast of cult show Battlestar
Galactica recreating the last supper was said to hold
the key
to many mysteries. Docu, London
462 The Bridges Heri Mkocha 3mins 12
It’s a strange contradiction that the more we master
things that hinder our survival, food, shelter, genetics,
disease the more disconected we feel. Art, London
476 Chainmail
Richard Chance & Jonathan Chance 27mins 18
Locked, bound and chained, a 7 foot tall crate arrives
at the
house of an unsuspecting family... Horror, Britain
506 See Saw City
Anne Bouromane 30mins 12
Non linear exploration of a young girl’s dream of
the big
city. Art, London
570 SS Krocifisso 12A
Flavio Sciole 4mins. Art, Italy
571 Beatlttude Flavio Sciole 2mins U
A beat attitude. Art, Italy
572 Funeralife Flavio Sciole 3mins 12
Life is a coffin. Art, Italy
578 Niente Arte Per Un’Artista
Flavio Sciole 2mins U
Nothing art is possible for an artist. Art, Italy
579 Microazione #1 Final Toy
Flavio Sciole 4mins U
A final toy for a final man. Art, Italy
580 Microazione #2 Esistere Cabile
Flavio Sciole 2mins U
Life is a game. Art, Italy
599 Spirit Of The African Diaspora
Morgan 12
The installation film takes a look at the religion of
the Africa
Diaspora. Art, London
611 In Terativedade
Marcelo Paganini 17mins U
Abstract video art. Drama, France
615 Baghdad Banana Vanesa Orel
Drama, London
617 Robot Revolution
Nick Fletcher 2mins 12
Slick horror (trailer) about the world being taken over
robots. Sc-Fi Drama, Britain
620 Forever England
Nick Fletcher 6mins U
A video about the camaraderie in the second world war.
Documentary, Britain
642# The Story Of The Count Of
Monte Cristo (The Three Dumas)
Esther Anderson & Gian Godoy 60mins 12
A dramatised biography of novelist Alexander Dumas (The
Man In The Iron mask). Art Docu, London
231# Plum Role Zak Hilditch 75mins 15
When Jacob lands the Plum Role in a new cop show, a series
of unresolved misdemeanors come to the surface, jeopardising
his shot at the big time. Drama, Australia
380# My Dear Elsa
Stefan Quinth 52mins 12A
Extraordinary woman who lives life exuberantly.
Documentary, Sweden
60# The Boat People
Rob Curry 90mins 15
Alice brings her new boyfriend, Jared, to her seaside
cottage. Drama, London
566 Married To A Witch
Fred Amata 115mins 15
A man who rejected Christ and went his own way which
landed him in real supernatural trouble. Drama, Nigeria
567 Magic Money Teco Benson 120mins15
Horrifying true story of some adventurous, overzealous
young men whose quest for money pushed them into some
unnatural tracks. Drama, Nigeria
95 We blow it every time
Paula Rae Gibson 60mins 15
A young woman using word, image and music as she grieves
in the arms of other men. Art, London
96# Busy fairies
More from Paula Rae Gibson
97# Wise too young
More from Paula Rae Gibson
98# Slip away
More from Paula Rae Gibson
99# Always walk away
More from Paula Rae Gibson
86 The 8Th Bullet
Marcelo Paganini 15mins 12A
Experimental documentary about the execution of Jean
Charles de Menezes, Art Documentaries, France
22# Crossing Bridges
Mark Norfolk 90mins 15
A suicidal man meets an angel and takes her on a journey
across London. Drama, London
538# Mass Romantic
Richard Paro 115mins 12A
When you’re an artist, academic or activist and
known for
your passion, where do you turn when it wanes? Your work?
Your partner? Drama, USA
373 Blue Maya Neemani 73mins 18
The lives of three Israeli porn actresses, as they go
the stages of an adult film production. Documentary, Israel
535 Her Name Was Amy Tillman
Teddy Hayes 90mins 18
Troubled woman admits a murderous campaign to psychiatrist
and then involves him. Crime Thriller, Britian
26 Still Human Still Here: The
Destitution Of Refused Asylum
Seekers Mark Hoffman & Nick Broomfield 13mins
Documentary, London
189 Rquiano In Africa Jason Young 10mins
The childhood of the Africa abolitionist, Olaudah Rquiano,
Benin between 1745-55 before he was kidnapped and
enslaved. Narrated by Jason Young
227 Two Graves Gregory Marsh 20mins
A couple struggle to come to terms with the death of their
son, grief ridden they seek solace in revenge. Drama
322 The Boy, The Bike, And the
Apple Robin Whenary 5mins
A chance encounter: As a boy cycles up a quiet country
an apple falls from a tree and rolls downhill towards
357 Portraits. New York
Breixo Viejo 2mins U
Experimental film about 14 anonymous New Yorkers going
down the escalators in Harlem. Art, London
423 Doll Face David Ellinor 1min
A man breaks up with his girlfriend. Comedy, Britain
429 My Polska
Aran Hughes & Joseph Fawcett 25mins
After the death of Joanne. Bereaved father John keeps
son Scott close. Scott has invited a special set of guests
dinner. Drama, London
473 Journey Sandi Thompson 7mins
A journey through iconic parts of London west End
474 Write A Wrong Ruth Buchanan 5mins
Poetic commentary on our responsibility of war.
609 A Tale Of Two Cities
Ariel Pintor 5mins
A small group of local doctors dealing with vast human
tragedy in Colombia. Documentary, London
Video Café menu continued
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