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5 August
Westbourne Studios
242 Acklam Road
London W10
Entry FREE

Irish Language Films:


Big Plane Small Axe -The Mistrials Of Mary (Kelly Margaretta D'arcy) 50 minutes U        

The film follows the 3 trials in Ireland of a middle-aged nurse who attacked a U.S. Navy plane with an axe just before the Iraq war.    


Woe Be Gone (Ben Baker) 20 minutes 12A

A man takes a journey to escape the banality of his everyday life. As he travels he becomes more and more isolated from the world around him and discovers there are things you cannot get away from.    


Nice Guys Finish last (Eoin Young) 10 minutes 15

Meet Jack, a chauvinistic salsa instructor, who knows all the tricks to pulling women.      


The Darkside (Shane Sheils) 5 minutes 15  

A faceless city in no particular time. A city where stressed-out, knife wielding former office workers prowl the deserted streets. Zombie-like they pursue a young female secretary.


Angry White Male (Eoin Young) 7 minutes 15       

A disturbing tale of jealousy. 


Opera Baby (Shane Sheils)    3 minutes 12A

Every night except Tuesdays, a weird creature sings opera in a back-street music club in the rough part of the city. A surreal and strangely moving film that merges live-action, puppetry and composite illustration/photography to create an atmospheric, timeless world. 


The Longest Ditch (Hugh Farley)    15 minutes U 

The true story of a farm labourer, Sonnie Murphy, who gets the chance to compete in the steeplechase in Los Angeles 1932 Olympics. But for every dream there is a price to pay.                                                                                                                                                 

Cuilin Dualach (Nora Twomey) 13 minutes U      

Born with his head on backwards, Cuilin Dualach has been shunned and mocked by all but his loving mother. Then one day, he discovers he can do something better than anyone else.                                                                            

Togtha Alan (O Cuilinn) 7 minutes U         

Togtha is a succinct animation about how urban development is frequently governed by financial profit and not by what is best for the locality in question and it's inhabitants.                                                                                                                                                                                         

My Name is Yu Ming (Daniel O'Hara) 13 minutes U        

Yu Ming wishes to escape his dull life working in a grocery store in China. A spin of the globe leads him to choose Ireland as his destination. Research informs him that the official language of Ireland is Irish Gaelic. Upon his arrival in Dublin, Yu Ming is puzzled to find that nobody understands a word he says.                                                                                                                                         

Fluent Dysphasia (Daniel O'Hara) 17 minutes 12A           

Murph doesn't have a lot to say to his daughter, Jane. When he wakes one day, mysteriously speaking perfect Irish - which he never could before - and having forgotten how to speak English, he looks for help wherever he can get it.  There's nothing funny about fluent dysphasia...                   


The Call To Fatima (Thomas McCormack) 80 minutes 12           

Tells the story of three shepherd children who saw the Virgin Mary and an angel appear on several occasions. This film has the full approval from the Fatima shrine and the Vatican.


Paranoia (Colin Downey) 70 minutes                     

Jennie is pregnant and believes that the baby was fathered by an unseen spirit that she calla Kim. Jeanne's mother is terrified that her daughter is going mad. As Jeannie's doctor struggles to diagnose her illness, her obsessive behaviour worsens and Kim's influence starts to become malevolent. 


Total Time =310 minutes.



map and venues 21 august 17 august 16 august 15 august 14 august 13 august 12 august 11 august 10 august 09 august 08 august 07 august 06 august 05 august 04 august 03 august 02 august 01 august 6 August 15 August 17 August 17 August overview map 21 August 20 August 19 August 18 August 17 August 16 August 15 August 14 August 13 August 12 August 11 August 10 August 9 August 6 August